
Very simple Python project aiming to be built as manylinux wheels

Primary LanguageCCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


This is a simplified version of python-manylinux-demo from manylinux project.

The purpose of this project is to create a simple package with CPython extension and build as many manylinux wheels from it as possible. The wheels are then used for testing support of installation on various architectures.

The wheels are published on PyPI so you can use them and you don't have to build your own.


  • podman or docker — to use manylinux container images for building wheels
  • qemu-user-static — to build for different architectures (RPM/DEB package or container images)

How to build them

To build all wheels for all platforms (see platforms_list.txt) and all available Python versions just run build-all.sh.

If you are interested in one platform only, run:

podman run --rm -e PLAT=$PLAT -v `pwd`:/io quay.io/pypa/$PLAT /io/build-wheels.sh

and the wheels appear in ./wheelhouse/$PLAT. If SELinux stops you, add --security-opt label=disable.


CC0 1.0