
Arduino library for connecting to Microsoft's XBOX chatpad

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



A Arduino/Wiring library for connectiong to Microsoft's XBOX chatpad.

This library does NOT work in conjunction with SoftwareSerial, since that does not support simultaneous sending and receiving.

It does however work with AltSoftSerial by PaulStoffregen.

SMFSW's SeqTimer is needed to compile this library.


#include "Chatpad.h"

Chatpad chatpad;// Create a Chatpad object.
AltSoftSerial chatpadSerial;// Serial connection to the chatpad

void setup(){
  Serial.begin(9600); //USB Serial for printing to Serial Monitor
  //can be replaced with one of the hardware serials
  //cannot be moved into chatpad class since that takes a stream object and all streams shall be supported
  chatpadSerial.begin(19200); // always 19200 for the chatpadSerial
  chatpad.Init(chatpadSerial, onPress, onRelease);

void loop(){
  chatpad.run(); //important

void onPress(char key){
  Serial.print("pressing ");

void onRelease(char key){
  Serial.print("releasing ");