Claim Reward URL Specification for Frequency Community Rewards


This document provides technical details for generating a claim reward URL using the Frequency parachain on the Polkadot blockchain network, specifically tailored for social media providers within the Frequency ecosystem. The URL is designed to enable reward claims and is intended to be generated programmatically by social media providers.

Quick Start

  • index.ts is the basic setup on encoding and decoding tokens.
  • npm run dev:encode -- --seedPhrase "<Seed Phrase>" --msaId <MSA Id> will demonstrate generating a token.
  • npm run dev:decode <token here> will demonstrate decoding a token as well as testing the validity of the token signature and payload structure.

URL Structure

The claim reward URL is structured as follows:<encoded_token>

Where <encoded_token> is the URL-encoded claim reward token generated as per the procedure described below.

Example Reward Claim URL

For the provider public key "5CiPPseXPECbkjWCa6MnjNokrgYjMqmKndv2rSnekmSK2DjL" and user's MSA id "12345", the resulting URL is:


To generate the claim reward URL using the Polkadot JS API, social media providers should ensure the following dependencies are imported:

  • @polkadot/keyring: Library for key pair management
  • @polkadot/util: Utility functions for Polkadot types
  • @polkadot/util-crypto: Cryptographic utility functions
  • @polkadot/keyring/types: Type definitions for keyring objects

Seed Phrase and Key Pair

  • Generating the claim reward URL requires a key pair for payload signing.
  • A seed phrase is employed to generate the key pair.
  • The key pair should use the SR25519 cryptographic type used for Polkadot signatures AND the Frequency MAINNET chain prefix of 90.
  • The payload also includes the Message Source Account / DSNP ID (msa id) of the user who is being granted a reward.

Token Payload Format

The payload is:


where the DELIMITER is "."



PUBLIC_KEY="5CiPPseXPECbkjWCa6MnjNokrgYjMqmKndv2rSnekmSK2DjL" MSA_ID="1"

NOTE: The public key uses SS58 formatting and MUST use the proper prefix:

  • Mainnet: 90 (default for the tool)
  • Testnet: 42

The encode tool will default to Frequency MAINNET (use --chainPrefix to use a different encoding), but is the same underlying address: f6YBWR8RZmcd1k6s93PvkaJmhK79pQUbGuU9xjD5GPjbVFRLp



Payload Signature

The payload is signed using the SR25519 private key and converted to hexadecimal.



Signature: 0x4642fee82e5c5cc9340f61fe4a03b760a9305d909d7619ca22d13ba984a10f5fd4d3dd0c0eaf7538a48d4178dc8f4f20d0357f5994b7d712ad593bb46b63fc8c

Token Format

The payload and signature are then combined before being encoded using URL-safe Base64.



Encoding and Decoding

The claim reward token involves encoding and decoding data, with the token encoded using URL-safe Base64 encoding per RFC4648. The Base64 encoding may produce characters ("+", "/", "=") that are not safe to use in URLs so these characters are substituted in the encoding/decoding process.

After URL-safe Base64 encoding, the token is:


Applying the URL format + TOKEN

The final URL:

Signature Verification

  • Recipients of the URL may desire to verify token authenticity.
  • Verification entails validating the payload signature.
  • The payload signature can be verified using the sender's public key.

Code Implementation

Here's an example of the code needed to generate the claim reward URL:

async function main() {
  // Initialize the Polkadot JS library
  await cryptoWaitReady();

  // Chain prefix for Frequency MAINNET is 90. Testnet is 42.
  const chainPrefix = 90;

  // Create a key pair from a seed phrase
  const keyPair = createKeyPairFromSeedPhrase(chainPrefix, 'entire material egg meadow latin bargain dutch coral blood melt acoustic thought');

  // The user's MSA/DSNP id
  const msaId = '1234567890';

  // Generate the claim reward token
  const token = encodeToken(keyPair, msaId);
  console.log('token=' + token);


See Also

Frequency -

Polkadot -