
A data analysis web-app written in R Shiny.

Primary LanguageRMIT LicenseMIT

Shiny GEM

Shiny GEM is a data analysis app written in R Shiny.



Simplified documentation is on the agenda.

Ways to Run

Shiny GEM is available on ShinyApps.io, DockerHub, GitHub, and from within ShinyStudio. Take your pick!


The easiest way to demo the app is from ShinyApps.io.


For increased performance and security, consider another method below.


  • Download image from DockerHub:
docker pull dm3ll3n/shiny-gem
  • Run locally in a background container:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p dm3ll3n/shiny-gem

Shiny GEM will now be available in a browser at http://localhost:3838.

From Source

Clone the source code, install dependencies, and launch locally.

git clone https://github.com/dm3ll3n/Shiny-GEM.git

cd Shiny-GEM

Rscript "install-requirements.R"

R -e "shiny::runApp(host='', port=3838)"

Shiny GEM will now be available in a browser at http://localhost:3838.


Shiny GEM is included as an example app in the ShinyStudio Docker stack. First, follow the setup instructions for ShinyStudio. Afterward:

  • Navigate to ShinyStudio at http://localhost:8080.
  • Open RStudio.
  • Use RStudio's file browser to open shiny-examples/Shiny-GEM/app.R.
  • Run the app within RStudio.

Optionally, copy the directory shiny-examples/Shiny-GEM to __ShinyStudio__/_apps in order to serve Shiny GEM from the "Apps & Reports" page.