
Python notebook that counts eye blinks in a video stream using dlib and opencv.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Counting Eye Blinks in Video Stream

Python notebook that detects eye blinks of a person in a video stream using dlib and opencv.

Run Instructions

Download this file to the working directory.

Run the command:
dlib='./shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat' runipy main.ipynb

For more options, run:
input='path/to/input-file' output='path/to/output-file' fps=10 dlib='./shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat' runipy main.ipynb


  • input: if you want to input a video file. If not provided it uses the webcam.
  • output: if provided, the output video file will be saved.
  • fps: frame per second rate. In case input file is specified the fps will be derived from the input. Otherwise, this value will be used. Default value is 10.
  • dlib: the path to dlib's pre-trained facial landmark detector (download link).
