
Python notebook for face tracking and recognition in video streams using dlib (face_recognition) and opencv.

Primary LanguagePython

Face Tracking and Recognition in Video Stream

Python code for face tracking and recognition in video streams using face_recognition (which uses dlib) and open-cv.
To view and run the code on google colab click here.
A brief presentation of this project is available here.

Run Instructions

  1. Specify your configurations in configs.json.
  2. If you are using mode = online, run runipy lunch_service.ipynb.
  3. Run runipy main.ipynb

Database Schema

  • Image
    A directory that contains one photo of each person you want to recognize. Accepted extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .png. Image name will be considered as the person's name.

  • Face(id, embedding)
    JSON file that stores faces' embeddings. If this file is empty, run runipy images2embeddings.ipynb.

  • Person(id, face_id, name)
    JSON file of people's information with their corresponding faces. If this file is empty, run runipy images2embeddings.ipynb.

  • Presence(id, face_id, person_id, name, timestamp_first, timestamp_last)
    CSV file that stores presence information in the input video stream.

  • Demo
    A directory that contains Presence.csv output for some demo samples.


Specify your configurations in configs.json.

  • database: Database directory path.
  • db_image: Database/Image directory path.
  • db_face: Database/Face faces json file path.
  • db_person: Database/Person people json file path.
  • db_presence: Database/Presence presence csv file path.
  • camera_url: The url to fetch frames from the video stream if mode is online or local.
  • camera_url2: The local url to fetch frames from the video stream if mode is online. Later, we expose this url to a the public url camera_url.
  • drive: The url of your google drive in case you want to use google colab.
  • face_locations_model: hog (simple model) or cnn (complex model).
  • face_encodings_model: small (simple model) or large (complex model).
  • video_file: Video file path if mode is file.
  • output_file: Output file path to store the resulting video stream.
  • frames_to_enter: Minimum number of consecutive frames in order to log a person in.
  • frames_to_exit: Maximum number of consecutive frames after which the absence of a person will log him out.
  • tolerance: If the distance between the closest face in the database and the face in the video is less that tolerance, we consider it a match. Otherwise, we say that the face isn't a recognized person.
  • colab: True or False whether running on google colab or not, if so, loads the configurations from configs_colab.json.
  • mode: One value from online, local, file, webcam. Otherwise, it's equivalent to using mode=file.

Extending the Code

In order to use other types of video streams (e.g. security camera), you can extend VideoStreamBase or LocalVideoStream and override getImage() -> numpy.ndarray method to define the procedure of getting a new frame. Let's name the new class SecurityCamera(), then simple do:

video = FaceDetector(SecurityCamera()); # if you override `VideoStreamBase` (works best in notebook or colab)
video = LocalFaceDetector(SecurityCamera()); # if you override `LocalVideoStream` (works best locally as it uses cv2.imshow)
video.download(display=True, limit=1000);
# display=True to display the video while downloading it
# limit=1000 to record 1000 frames


Online demo: mode=online, using android camera, executed on colab.

File demo: mode=file, output presence file zuhair-demo.csv.

Webcam demo: mode=webcam, output presence file simple-demo.csv.

Real-life video demo: mode=file, output presence file contest-demo.csv, executed on colab.

Some Tips & Tricks

To run mode=local, download IP Webcam app on your phone. Lunch the service in the app, let's refer to it by ip_webcam:port. Set camera_url to ip_webcam:port/shot.jpg. Run the code.

To run mode=online, download IP Webcam app on your phone. Lunch the service in the app, let's refer to it by ip_webcam:port. Expose this service on a public url (using ngrock for example, by running winpty ngrok http port or ngrok http port).
In configs.json set camera_url2 = ip_webcam:port/shot.jpg, camera_url = the public url (e.g. http://6e3a33e5.ngrok.io).
Lunch RESTful API service to expose mobile's camera to the public url by running runipy lunch_service.ipynb, i.e. to forward camera_url -> camera_url2. Run the code.