
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The FreshFx urlsafe-crypto lib.


  • babel (with preset-env, plugin-add-jsdoc-properties, plugin-transform-object-reset-spread)
  • eslint (with eslint-plugin-import)
  • mocha, sinon & should
  • conventional-changelog (use the angular cz style!)
  • npm-run-all, onchange, release-it


  1. clone this repository
  2. delete the .git folder
  3. change those parts:
    • index.js -> adopt the module name
    • package.json -> edit the corresponding values
  4. remove the .npmrc file if you don't want to use FreshFx private modules
  5. change the settings in .release-it.json if you want to publish to npm
  6. change the template.hbs file to fit your needs

Attention: to take advantage of the private npm modules, set the NPM_TOKEN as env variable


see package.json's "scripts" for all available commands


npm run commit

start developing

npm start


npm run release

API Reference

encrypts, encodes and deflates a given object/string

Encryption Process:

  1. stringify data (optional)
  2. deflate
  3. encrypt
  4. deflate
  5. urlsafe base64 encode

Decryption Process:

  1. urlsafe base64 decode
  2. inflate
  3. decrypt
  4. inflate
  5. parse data (optional)


npm install --save @freshfx/urlsafe-crypto

Attention: in order to install this package, either be a permitted user for this package, or create a .npmrc in your projects root with following content (and set the NPM_TOKEN environment variable):


Why should I use this?

and not f.e. (iron)[https://www.npmjs.com/package/iron]?

  1. we don't need integrity (yet)
  2. the generated string is shorter (30-50%) - good for URLs since the GET url length can be limited

module.exports(encKey, isString) ⇒ urlsafe-crypto

exports a init function which returns the specific methods without the need of the encryption key

Kind: Exported function
Returns: urlsafe-crypto - urlsafe-crypto functions

Param Type Description
encKey String encryption key
isString Boolean set the default value for isString (f.e. if you only encrypt/decrypt strings)


import urlsafeCrypto from 'rbcp3-urlsafe-crypto'
const ENC_KEY = 'b6bad4846614652e7ead69df7337a7f4'
const crypto = urlsafeCrypto(ENC_KEY)

// prints the object
crypto.encrypt({an: 'object'}).then(crypto.decrypt).then(console.log)
// prints 'test', important: add the isString option to the decrypt function
crypto.encrypt('test').then(encryptedString => crypto.decrypt(encryptedString, true)).then(console.log)

const cryptoString = urlsafeCrypto(ENC_KEY, true)
// prints 'test'
// prints the object, important: add the isString option to decrypt function
cryptoString.encrypt({an: 'object'}).then(encryptedObject => cryptoString.decrypt(encryptedObject, false)).then(console.log)

module.exports.encrypt ⇒ Promise

encrypts and encodes a given object or string

Kind: static constant of module.exports
Returns: Promise - Promise which resolves with the resulting String

Param Type Description
data Object | String the data to encrypt
encKey String Encryption Key, length must be 32 (256 Bit)


const ENC_KEY = '6b7beea8ef24f7ee89e153387db8f04f'
// should print something like 'eJwNzAcBA0EIADBLbI66YfqX8I2ACCUcg2dSRseFKzIYpAtXM_yWN9_sDVwk9lxORTkS6op3FHdJdOmqnTI1rbrJP-FnD-wDMqcaoQ'
encrypt({key: 'value'}, ENC_KEY).then(result => console.log(result))

module.exports.encryptSync ⇒ String

encrypts and encodes a given object or string - synchronously

Kind: static constant of module.exports
Returns: String - the resulting string

Param Type Description
data Object | String the data to encrypt
encKey String Encryption Key, length must be 32 (256 Bit)


const ENC_KEY = '6b7beea8ef24f7ee89e153387db8f04f'
// should print something like 'eJwNzAcBA0EIADBLbI66YfqX8I2ACCUcg2dSRseFKzIYpAtXM_yWN9_sDVwk9lxORTkS6op3FHdJdOmqnTI1rbrJP-FnD-wDMqcaoQ'
console.log(encrypt({key: 'value'}, ENC_KEY))

module.exports.decrypt ⇒ String | Object

decodes and decrypts a given string

Kind: static constant of module.exports
Returns: String | Object - the resulting string/object

Param Type Default Description
string String the data to decode/decrypt
encKey String Encryption Key, length must be 32 (256 Bit)
toString Boolean false indicates if the result should be converted into a string or object


const ENC_KEY = '6b7beea8ef24f7ee89e153387db8f04f'
// prints the object'{"key": "value"}'
decrypt('eJwNzAcBA0EIADBLbI66YfqX8I2ACCUcg2dSRseFKzIYpAtXM_yWN9_sDVwk9lxORTkS6op3FHdJdOmqnTI1rbrJP-FnD-wDMqcaoQ', ENC_KEY)

// prints 'tests'
encrypt('test', ENC_KEY).then(result => decrypt(result, ENC_KEY, true)).then(console.log)

module.exports.decryptSync ⇒ String | Object

decodes and decrypts a given string - synchronously

Kind: static constant of module.exports
Returns: String | Object - the resulting string/object

Param Type Default Description
string String the data to decode/decrypt
encKey String Encryption Key, length must be 32 (256 Bit)
toString Boolean false indicates if the result should be converted into a string or object


const ENC_KEY = '6b7beea8ef24f7ee89e153387db8f04f'
// prints the object'{"key": "value"}'
console.log(decrypt('eJwNzAcBA0EIADBLbI66YfqX8I2ACCUcg2dSRseFKzIYpAtXM_yWN9_sDVwk9lxORTkS6op3FHdJdOmqnTI1rbrJP-FnD-wDMqcaoQ', ENC_KEY))

// prints 'tests'
console.log(decrypt(encrypt('test', ENC_KEY), ENC_KEY, true))

module.exports~urlsafe-crypto : Object

Kind: inner typedef of module.exports

Name Type
encrypt function
encryptSync function
decrypt function
decryptSync function

© 2021 FreshFx npm@freshfx.at.