
The scripts I used to install all the required programs on my Ubuntu installation

Primary LanguageShell


Ubuntu install instructions

These are instructions for future me on installing ubuntu 16.04 on my desktop as a dualboot with windows 10.

  1. Load installer
  2. When prompted about EUFI choose YES
  3. Install
  4. Ignore error message
  5. Download boot-repair ubuntu (Google it)
  6. Run boot repair
  7. Click recomended
  8. Follow on screen instructions
  9. Ignore errors
  10. Reboot
  11. Boot ubuntu
  12. sudo grub-update

Done. For your future self this has taken too many late nights to work out this process.


sudo apt-get install git
git clone http://github.com/freshollie/UbuntuInstallScripts.git
cd UbuntuInstallScripts

Usage: sudo ./setup (desktop || laptop) [work] [wirelessfix]

E.g. sudo ./setup desktop wirelessfix


Install nearly all programs apart from mouse related programs (Chromebook mouse fix)


Doesn't install unneeded programs, mainly spotify


Doesn't install qbittorrent



  • Android Studio
  • Visual Code
  • Spotify
  • Google chrome
  • PyCharm
  • NotepadQQ
  • QbitTorrent
  • VLC
  • nano
  • CodeBlocks
  • g++
  • Java
  • curl
  • Variety

Sets up

  • Ubuntu task bar position
  • Screenshot keybindsings
  • Wireless driver fix for my wireless usb
  • Android tools to PATH
  • Android emulator fixes for x64 ubuntu

Head Hacker settings


replace with

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3) Gecko/20090305 Firefox/3.1b3 GTB5
