

  • Node 16 (nvm is great for this)
  • yarn (npm install yarn -g)
  • Docker (optional)

Run in docker-compose

docker-compose up

The results of the simulation are output to docker-compose-sim-output/output.log

Running outside of docker

Install deps


Run simulation

yarn start

Each service can be run independently, for example

yarn workspace battery start

The simulation output is written to services/optimiser/output.log

NOTE: The datetimes written to the log are in ISO UTC, not local time.


Unit tests are performed by jest. They are not extensive and just tests the APIs function as intended

yarn test

Linting is done with xo

yarn xo


Trading algorithm

In order to keep things simple and predictable, I used an algorithm which looks at the future prices, up to a given forward planning period, and decides if the current price is best to sell or buy. It does this by creating a sell and buy factor, based on the battery SOC, the amount of cycles left for the day, the current price compared to highest and lowest in the foward planning period.

Overall, it works out pretty well, and visualising the output data on graphs shows how the buy and sell prices of the period we are about to bid on (yellow and red lines) reflect the battery SOC when configured with different forward planning periods.

The lower the forward planning period, the higher the utilisation of the battery asset

  • ~115Mwh import and export for 3 hour
  • ~65Mwh import and export for 24 hour

24 hour analysis window

12 hour analysis window

6 hour analysis window

3 hour analysis window


I chose to use typescript as I am very farmiliar with it, and meant I could get the repo setup quickly. Typescript is a staticly typed language which made development really fast, and javascript is an asynchronous first language which makes micro-services easily scale with load (and without overhead of threading).

I would be comfortable writing this sort of test in Python, and with a littlebit more time, Go or Rust.


This repo is built with yarn workspaces, a monorepo dependency tool which lets us organise our services within the monorepo. The advantage of having our services in the same repo would be shared code and type interfaces. For future development (and given more time), some of the shared boiler plate between services can be extraced and referenced within the repo (without having to deploy a package to npm)


I utilised a shared Dockerfile for all the services (part of the advantage of having a monorepo). The build-args can be used to provide the context to docker for which service to build.


I've shown how this set of services can easily exist within a cluster with the docker-compose model.

In a real world scanario Kubernetes would suit deployment well, as it allows us to use CI/CD to configure the cluster on repo pushes.

GCP and AWS offer managed K8s clusters (GKE and EKS) which make managing and configuring these clusters something which can be defined in terraform code.

Deploying only changed services

In the javascript monorepo ecosystem, there is a tool called lerna which can be used to track which services have had code changes since the last deployment. This would mean that even though all our services exist in the same monorepo, they would not all need to be deployed on every push to master (or main).

It does this by creating git-tags after deployment, which it then uses as references for determining which services have changed. If we are using shared code within the repo, lerna can track those shared source dependencies and if the shared code changes all services which are using the shared code are deployed.

Building images

The dependency manager in this repo (yarn), keeps a cache of dependencies in the .yarn folder, which means that if we install the dependencies in CI first, then docker doesn't need to redownload the dependencies whilst building the image (as they are copied in).

Same could be done with the build artifacts (yarn build output). If these were built in CI before building the docker images, each image build wouldn't need to do much processing during build.


As stated in some of the source code, this sort of work would be ideal for a relational database model. We know what data we are storing, and don't need to rely on fast write/read access.

AWS and GCP offer managed SQL deployments (Ideally postgres), which I would use for this. They manage sharding and DB high availability and again can be configured in-code with terraform.

If we were using lots of read/write capacity, AWS's dynamodb is really good for scaling automatically and only charges linearly based on the number of reads and writes, rather than paying the upfront cost for a managed DB. For this excercise I don't see using something like dynamodb as rational.

Cluster architecture

I've made the assumption in this test that the optimiser would be controlling the battery asset, but it may be likely that the obligations DB is it's own service which consumes market orders and stores them for the battery to retrieve.

In an ideal scenario, something like this would use pub-sub technology (Google Pub-Sub, Amazon SNS) to ensure that all trades are recorded after submission and are consumed so that trades are not lost (in the event that a DB goes down).

Here's how I think something like this would work