
Connectivity Plugin for Xamarin and Windows

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Connectivity Plugin for Xamarin and Windows

Simple cross platform plugin to check connection status of mobile device, gather connection type, bandwidths, and more.


Build Status:

Platform Support

Platform Supported Version
Xamarin.iOS Yes iOS 6+
Xamarin.iOS Unified Yes iOS 6+
Xamarin.Android Yes API 10+
Windows Phone Silverlight Yes 8.0+
Windows Phone RT Yes 8.1+
Windows Store RT Yes 8.1+
Windows 10 UWP Yes 10+
Xamarin.Mac No

API Usage

Call CrossConnectivity.Current from any project or PCL to gain access to APIs.


/// <summary>
/// Gets if there is an active internet connection
/// </summary>
bool IsConnected { get; }


/// <summary>
/// Gets the list of all active connection types.
/// </summary>
IEnumerable<ConnectionType> ConnectionTypes { get; }


/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a list of available bandwidths for the platform.
/// Only active connections.
/// </summary>
IEnumerable<UInt64> Bandwidths { get; }

Pinging Hosts


/// <summary>
/// Tests if a host name is pingable
/// </summary>
/// <param name="host">The host name can either be a machine name, such as "java.sun.com", or a textual representation of its IP address (</param>
/// <param name="msTimeout">Timeout in milliseconds</param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<bool> IsReachable(string host, int msTimeout = 5000);


/// <summary>
/// Tests if a remote host name is reachable (no http:// or www.)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="host">Host name can be a remote IP or URL of website</param>
/// <param name="port">Port to attempt to check is reachable.</param>
/// <param name="msTimeout">Timeout in milliseconds.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<bool> IsRemoteReachable(string host, int port = 80, int msTimeout = 5000);

Changes in Connectivity

When any network connectiivty is gained, changed, or loss you can register for an event to fire:

/// <summary>
/// Event handler when connection changes
/// </summary>
event ConnectivityChangedEventHandler ConnectivityChanged; 

You will get a ConnectivityChangeEventArgs with the status if you are connected or not:

public class ConnectivityChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
  public bool IsConnected { get; set; }

public delegate void ConnectivityChangedEventHandler(object sender, ConnectivityChangedEventArgs e);

Usage sample from Xamarin.Forms:

CrossConnectivity.Current.ConnectivityChanged += (sender, args) =>
    page.DisplayAlert("Connectivity Changed", "IsConnected: " + args.IsConnected.ToString(), "OK");


Android: The ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permissions are required and will be automatically added to your Android Manifest.

By adding these permissions Google Play will automatically filter out devices without specific hardward. You can get around this by adding the following to your AssemblyInfo.cs file in your Android project:

[assembly: UsesFeature("android.hardware.wifi", Required = false)]

iOS: Bandwidths are not supported and will always return an empty list.

Windows 8.1 & Windows Phone 8.1 RT: RT apps can not perform loopback, so you can not use IsReachable to query the states of a local IP.

Permissions to think about: The Private Networks (Client & Server) capability is represented by the Capability name = "privateNetworkClientServer" tag in the app manifest. The Internet (Client & Server) capability is represented by the Capability name = "internetClientServer" tag in the app manifest.