
Assignment 10. ENCRYPTION - INTO


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

This project contains two programs that uses known encryption algorithms. One program is called ceasarcipher - it lets let user encrypt and decrypt messages using a Ceasar cipher. The other program is called substitutioncipher - it lets the user encrypt and decrypt message using a keyword subtitution cipher.

Each program contains a source directory, containing the source code for the program, and a tests directory, containing unit tests for the encryption and decryption algorithms. The unit tests use CxxTest, so be sure to have it installed if you plan on running the unit tests. By default, running make will also generate and run the unit tests. To only compile the programs, run make inside the source code directory for each program.

Hand-in files

The handin directory contain the following files which were used for hand-in of the project:

  • INTO-Skil10-EgillOgFreyr-ceasar.cpp
  • INTO-Skil10-EgillOgFreyr-substitution.cpp

The hand-in required a single cpp file for each program, so the development source files were merged together to make these files. The subsequent code documnetation is based on this code as well.