Helium Compose is the Docker Compose configuration for the Helium CMS.
Helium Compose | Helium Backend | Helium Frontend | Helium Screens
Example folder structure:
├── /helium
└── /website
Helium for production from /app:
docker compose -f helium/compose.yml -f helium/compose.production.yml --env-file helium/.env up -d
Helium for production with custom website from /app:
docker compose -f helium/compose.yml -f helium/compose.production.yml -f website/compose.yml --env-file helium/.env up -d
If you discover a security vulnerability within the Helium Compose, please send an email to Alyx Freuwört via contact@freuwort.com.
We will address all security vulnerabilities promptly.
Helium Compose is an open-source project licensed under the MIT license.