In this workshop we will learn to use Git and GitHub for version control. Participants will develop an understanding for how version control works on a coding/development platform. No prior experience is needed. All resources were originally created by Joseph Casillas, are freely available here:, and are re-used and altered slightly by Freya Watkins with permission
Please do the following before the workshop
- Install/Update R and RStudio to newest version available to you.
- Create a GitHub account at
- It’s free
- Use an academic email if you have one (more perks)
- Give consideration to your username
- avoid spaces, uncommon characters
- shorter is better than longer
- usually your real name (or related to it)
- Download GitHub Desktop
- Install Git
- It is possible (likely) you already have it
- There are thorough instructions here explaining how to check and what to do if you don’t have it already
Note: If you have issues getting setup before the workshop, feel free to email me at and I’ll do my best to help get things running for you.