
Twitter 1.1 client API for NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Twitter 1.1 client API for NodeJS

mtwitter is an updated version of @AvianFlu's ntwitter, which in turn was forked from @jdub's node-twitter, and so on…


You can install mtwitter and its dependencies with npm:

$ npm install mtwitter

but you should really put it in your package.json and run:

$ npm install

to install everything.

Getting started

Setup API

The keys listed below can be obtained from dev.twitter.com after setting up a new App.

var twitter = require('mtwitter');

var twit = new twitter({
  consumer_key: 'Twitter',
  consumer_secret: 'API',
  access_token_key: 'keys',
  access_token_secret: 'go here'


Interaction with other parts of Twitter is accomplished through their RESTful API. The best documentation for this exists at dev.twitter.com.

Convenience methods exist for many of the available methods, but some may be more up-to-date than others. If your Twitter interaction is very important, double-check the parameters in the code with Twitter's current documentation.

Note that all functions may be chained:

  .verifyCredentials(function (err, data) {
  .updateStatus('Test tweet from mtwitter/' + twitter.VERSION,
    function (err, data) {

Search API

twit.search('nodejs OR #node', {}, function(err, data) {

Streaming API

The stream() callback receives a Stream-like EventEmitter.

Here is an example of how to call the statuses/sample method:

twit.stream('statuses/sample', function(stream) {
  stream.on('data', function (data) {

Here is an example of how to call the 'statuses/filter' method with a bounding box over San Fransisco and New York City ( see streaming api for more details on locations ):

twit.stream('statuses/filter', {'locations':'-122.75,36.8,-121.75,37.8,-74,40,-73,41'}, function(stream) {
  stream.on('data', function (data) {

Here is an example of how to call the 'statuses/filter' method using the track and delimited request parameter for more details on Streaming API request parameters:

twit.stream('statuses/filter', {track: ['cool'], delimited: 'length'}, function(stream) {
  stream.on('data', function (data) {
    if( 'number' === typeof( data ) ){
      console.log( data );
    } else {
      console.log( data.text );

mtwitter also supports user and site streams:

twit.stream('user', {track:'nodejs'}, function(stream) {
  stream.on('data', function (data) {
  stream.on('end', function (response) {
    // Handle a disconnection
  stream.on('destroy', function (response) {
    // Handle a 'silent' disconnection from Twitter, no end/error event fired
  // Disconnect stream after five seconds
  setTimeout(stream.destroy, 5000);


Forked from @AvianFlu's seemingly dead repo, with contributions from various PRs.

All contributors are listed in the package.json.