
cpp code quickly call chets

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Call compound heterozygous variants

This repository contains C++ scripts tailored for analyses with phased data, specifically involving variant call format (VCF) files.


  1. Ensure you have the necessary cpp libraries. Check the provided Dockerfile for the complete list.
  2. Install BCFtools.
  3. To compile the scripts, navigate to the repository's directory and run:


Step 1: Create a Phased Sites File

Generate a file containing phased sites per gene for each sample. First, filter to allele frequency less than 1% using BCFtools. Since a line will be produced for each variant-sample pair a lower MAF threshold will result in a smaller file.

bcftools view trio.vcf --max-af 0.01 -Ou | bcftools query -i'GT="alt"' -f'[%SAMPLE %CHROM:%POS:%REF:%ALT %GT\n]' | gzip > trio.phased_sites.txt.gz

Step 2: Call bi/mono allelic variants

Call compound heterozygous and other variant types per group (e.g., genes). Repeat this step as needed based on the --gene-map argument. Note, that the --gene-map refers to a file with two columns for the variant IDs (preferably CHR:POS:REF:ALT) and the gene id (ensembl gene id).

./call_chets \
   --geno trio.phased_sites.txt.gz \
   --verbose \
   --gene-map gene_map.txt > test/trio.result.txt

For additional output information, provide a mapping file with variant, gene, and info columns for the --info-map argument. This approach adds an extra column to the output, displaying the info in a phase-aware manner. Info map contains three columns, variant, gene id and info string.

./call_chets \
   --geno trio.phased_sites.txt.gz \
   --gene-map gene_map.txt \
   --info-map info_map.txt  > test/trio.result.txt

Incorporate prior scores of pathogenicity and model the probability of complete knockout using the --score-map. Adjust the --haplotype-collapse argument to specify handling of variants on each haplotype (options: product (default), burden, or max). The process returns a score equivalent to the probability of both haplotypes being affected:

./call_chets \
   --geno trio.phased_sites.txt.gz \
   --gene-map gene_map.txt \
   --score-map score_map.txt \
   --info-map info_map.txt \
   --haplotype-collapse 'product' \
   --verbose | head

This is an example on output when all these arguments are specified and | grep chet. Sample, gene, configuration, dosage, probability of knockout based on alpha missense score and variant configuration (phase seperated by '|'). Here we have the sample, chromosome, gene id, variant configuration, gene collapsing rule, gene collapse score (here, probability of knockout of both haplotypes), and variants involved (seperated by "|" to indicate phase):

s1	chr21	ENSG00000215455	chet	2	g=product	0.0516	chr21:44539434:T:C:synonymous_variant|chr21:44539742:T:A:missense_variant
s2	chr21	ENSG00000205726	chet	2	g=product	0.48188	chr21:33829705:G:A:missense_variant|chr21:33875474:C:T:missense_variant
s3	chr21	ENSG00000215455	chet	2	g=product	1	chr21:44540070:ACAG:A:inframe_deletion|chr21:44539434:T:C:synonymous_variant

We can also take a look at cis (| grep cis) variants, add the --show-haplotype-scores argument and see how the knockout scores are calculated for each haplotype:

5830593	chr21	ENSG00000142185	cis	1	g=product	0	h=product	0	0.896241	chr21:44414064:G:T:missense_variant;chr21:44425816:G:A:missense_variant

Two variants are found here (See below). We define the probability of haplotype knockout is defined as probability of haplotype knockout is P(hap_ko)=1-((1-0.6391)*(1-0.7125))=0.896241. If more variants are specified, these will also be included in the calculation. Other calculations (burden/min/max) can be invoked with the --haplotype-collapse/-hc and --gene-collapse/-gc arguments.

variant gene p(deleterious)
chr21:44414064:G:T	ENSG00000142185	0.6391
chr21:44425816:G:A	ENSG00000142185	0.7125

Step 3: Create VCF

Convert the results into a VCF file with additive or recessive encoding. Genes with variants on either the paternal or maternal haplotype will be encoded with a dosage of 1, while genes with variants on both haplotypes will be encoded as a dosage of 2. Use --mode recessive to only keep sites with both haplotypes affected.

./encode_vcf \
  --input trio.result.txt \
  --samples test/samples.txt \
  --mode additive \
  --min-ac 1 | bgzip > trio.result.vcf.gz

Notes on testing for dominance deviation


Haplotype and gene collapsing schemes:

Encode a model with probability of both haplotypes being knocked out:

./encode_vcf \
  --input trio.result.txt \
  --samples test/samples.txt \
  --mode additive \
  --min-ac 1 | bgzip > trio.result.vcf.gz

Input file structure

Gene Mapping file

Used with the --gene-map argument. Generate a mapping file by running VEP on your variants, then extract variant and gene IDs using a script. Example:

Variant Gene
20:1665:T:C geneA
20:1869:A:T geneA
20:2041:G:A geneA
20:2220:G:A geneA

Info mapping file

Relates to the --info-map argument. This file is generated similar to above. The 3rd column 'info' is keyed by the variant and gene.

varid	gene_id	csqs
chr21:10538674:C:A	ENSG00000274391	splice_region_variant
chr21:10538675:C:G	ENSG00000274391	splice_region_variant
chr21:10538680:G:C	ENSG00000274391	splice_acceptor_variant
chr21:10538734:GGT:G	ENSG00000274391	splice_donor_variant

score mapping file

For the --score-map argument. The third column is indexed by variant and gene, with aggregation logic defined by the --haplotype-collapse argument:

varid	gene_id	am_pathogenicity
chr21:10541120:C:T	ENSG00000274391	0.0901
chr21:10541137:G:C	ENSG00000274391	0.1261
chr21:10541140:A:G	ENSG00000274391	0.0865
chr21:10541149:C:T	ENSG00000274391	0.087
chr21:10541158:A:C	ENSG00000274391	0.0729

run_call_chets.sh: A wrapper that combines all the above (Needs to be tested with new version!)

That script combines several tools to a pipeline for CompHet calling. In particular, for a given chromosome:

  1. Calls BCFtools (alternative to get_non_ref_sites) to extract non-ref genotypes for a phased BCF.
  2. Then uses prepare_genemap.py to prepare gene-variant maps according to each consequence (e.g. pLoF + damaging_missense).
  3. Based on that, it calls call_chets to detect CompHet events from the output of step-1.
  4. Finally, it runs encode_vcf to create a VCF based on each consequence and type of effects, e.g. additive or recessive.

As a last step, we could combine any chrom-based files to one genome-wide by running

for consq in pLoF pLoF_damaging damaging_missense synonymous; do
    for mode in additive recessive; do
        echo FIXTHIS.chr{1..22}.$mode.$consq.vcf.gz| tr ' ' '\n' > files.txt
        bcftools concat -f files.txt -Oz -o FIXTHIS.chrALL.$mode.$consq.vcf.gz