Scrapes Yahoo! Finance earnings calendar to get data for a specific date or a date range. This is worked on top of the original repo here: Adapted to work for Python 3. Added region parameter to allow retrieval of a specific region. Use two digit country code as the example below.
pip install git+
import datetime
from yahoo_earnings_calendar import YahooEarningsCalendar
date_from = datetime.datetime(2018,10,28,0,0)
date_to = datetime.datetime(2018,11,2,23,59)
yec = YahooEarningsCalendar()
print (yec.earnings_on(date_from, 'JP'))
print (yec.earnings_between(date_from, date_to, 'JP'))
- companyshortname: Company Name
- e.g., 20160606
- ticker: Ticker
- e.g., AAPL
- startdatetime: Event Start Time
- e.g., 2017-04-23T21:00:00.000-04:00
- startdatetimetype: Event Start Time Type
- e.g., TAS (Time Not Supplied), AMC (After Market Close )
- epsestimate: EPS Estimate
- epsactual: Reported EPS
- epssurprisepct: Surprise (%)
- gmtOffsetMilliSeconds: GMT Offset in MS
import datetime
from yahoo_earnings_calendar import YahooEarningsCalendar
# Returns the next earnings date of BOX in Unix timestamp
# 1508716800