
This is the Gatsby.js application for In The Fight. In The Fight is committed to the advancement of progressive politics that leads to structural change in our current social, political, and economic structures.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD Zero Clause License0BSD

About In The Fight

This application is for In The Fight -

In The Fight is committed to the advancement of progressive politics that leads to structural change in our current social, political, and economic structures.

Our members share a unanimous desire to continue organizing and provide opportunities for direct action and education.

Getting Started

On Mac OS X, we use Homebrew to install the native depencies (that is, node and npm). On Linux, we use the Nix package manager to build a development environment.

Mac OS

After you have cloned this repo, run this setup script to set up your machine with the necessary dependencies to run and test this app:

% ./script/setup

Run the server

gatsby develop

Running the test-suite

% ./script/test

Linux (via Nix)

Linux support relies on the nix package manager. To install it, run

sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install)

To run gatsby, use script/gatz, which wraps the nix machinery. E.g.,

% script/gatz develop

You can run tests with

% script/test

just as on Mac OS. For npm tasks, use scripts/nix-npm. You can get a shell environment with node and npm installed by simply running


in the repository root directory. Note that (currently) to invoke gatsby inside the nix shell, you must run, e.g.,

node_modules/gatsby/cli.js develop