Welcome to Achoo!! - It's the bees sneeze!
A location based app that notifies you with an SMS when pollen count levels reach dangerously sneezey levels in your area.
Here's a presentation demo of our app in action
- Express web framework for Node.js.
- [React] (https://reactjs.org/) - for frontend
- [MongoDB] fot local database testing
- MongoDB Atlas for AWS cloud database
- Mongoose to model objects in MongoDB.
- Nodemon to reload the server automatically.
- ESLint for linting.
- Jest for testing.
- Cypress for end-to-end testing.
- Axios for pollen api parsing
- Ambee pollen and climate API data.
- Twilio for SMS notifications.
- To install cypress for testing: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/getting-started/opening-the-app#Adding-npm-Scripts
- To run from CLI: Add this as a script in package.json file // "cypress:open": "cypress open" //
- To run from command line use : // npm run cypress:open //
- To test from the command line use: // npm run test:integration //
- To test from the command line use: // npm run test:unit //
- To test from the command line use: // npm run test:all //
- To add nodemon to package.json file as dependencies: // npm install --save-dev nodemon //
- Add to scripts in package.json file: // "start": "nodemon ./bin/www", //
- To run nodemon: // npm start //
The application uses the ambee API (https://www.getambee.com/api-documentation). The API key has a 30-day expiry (last activated on 02/08/2022). API key may need to be updated if outside the 30 day limit from the date shown in this README.
The application has been built on Express.js. To install clone the repo and then run the command below:
npm install
- Run Express Server using:
npm start
- Run React Client using:
npm start
First change DB config to local config in bin/www
On WSL2, start database using:
sudo service mongodb start
sudo mongod --dbpath ~/data/db
- Run React Client using:
npm start
- Run Express Server using:
npm start
- Run React Client using:
npm start
- JENNIE - https://github.com/Jenniered
- DAVID - https://github.com/fridayshoes
- EPHRON - https://github.com/Ephfullstack
- DANIEL - https://github.com/danielotf