
Convenience store geo and metadata for Japan

MIT LicenseMIT


A list of convenience stores in Japan that includes geographic coordinates, for use in mapping and data science. This data is from early 2013.

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The CSV file contains the barest essentials — chain, location name, latitude & longitude — while the SQLite database includes the raw information (which can and does differ between different chains, based on availability).

Example CSV line: 7-11,"富山城址公園前",36.6915631,137.2129004

A recommended SQLite database client for Mac is Base.


47,477 locations are included in the CSV file. This includes every major chain and minor or regional ones where available:

  • Lawson
    • Natural Lawson
    • Lawson 100 (defunct)
  • Seven-Eleven
  • FamilyMart
    • Tomony
    • Famima!!
  • Circle K & Sunkus
  • Daily Yamazaki
  • Ministop
  • Poplar
    • Kurashi House
    • Gran Merci (グランメルシー)
    • Three Eight (スリーエイト)
    • ハイウェイ彩家
  • Seicomart
  • Everyone
    • RIC Mart
    • Coco

The database includes locations that failed geocoding or otherwise aren't entirely certain.

If you have chain you'd like to suggest, feel free to open an issue with a link to their website's store listing.


These locations were taken from chain websites and generally represents where they say their stores are. Frankly, this isn't always entirely accurate or ideally placed, but I have made no effort to manually correct them. Seven-Eleven locations may be shifted slightly due to the conversion between datums (see below).


I intend to post logo assets for the konbini included herein, especially as I've been lucky enough to find or create vectors for most. Once updated, I would also like to pursue some way of putting these points on Open Street Map, perhaps using a tool such as To-Fix, provided scaped data fits the OSM license.


Living in the snowy wasteland of Toyama, my annual hibernation project for the winter of 2012-13 was to scrape and format as many convenience store locations as I could. Did you know that there is a Japanese Geodetic Datum (日本測地系) that some companies use for web maps? Several datums, in fact! Were to you aware that, despite a façade of techno-prowess, Japan is perpetually 5–10 years behind in most design and web trends? Oh, the hotdog stand color schemes and stock typefaces! And so on and so forth — innumerable were the curiosities and mysteries that filled the stunted, biting days of that winter.