
Face Recognization System By MTCNN & Insightface

Primary LanguagePython


  • version 0.4 updating;

There may be some bugs in the code,please contact me if you find some of them,thank you~

Redo ArcFace Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition,some of re-releazing codes are referenced and list below,appreciate so much to your opensource.


version 0.4:

  • ubuntu16.04 + 2*GTX 1080ti + Python3.6 + Anaconda5.2.0 + Tensorflow1.7-gpu + MySQL5.7.25 + PyQt5


model lfw calfw cplfw agedb_30 cfp_ff cfp_fp lfw_face
resnet_v2_m_50(prelu) 0.979 0.878 0.823 0.886 0.976 0.904 0.866
resnet_v2_m_50(leaky_relu) 0.992 0.932 0.860 0.935 0.990 0.910 0.943

lfw_face is the lfw dataset that generate by my owm MTCNN model


  • Face recognization accuracy is greatly disturbed by face detection;
  • One of the most important and confuse things is to select the proper threshold to recognize;

Face Recognization System

Face recognizer

Face recognizer is in /recognizer/arcface_recognizer.py,Face detection is based on my MTCNN repository;

overview of face-recognizer's interface:

Basic interface:

  • get_embd : interface to get face embeddings,shape=[n,512];
  • align_face : interface of face align;
  • recognize : interface of face recognization, output recognization result and bounding-box(es) of face(s);

Extended interface:

  • add_customs : add fresh person data to database;
  • add_embds : update embedding data of target member(s) from database(old data will update by average increment);
  • update_customs : update embedding data of target member(s) from database(old data will be replaced);
  • del_customs : delete data of target member(s) from database;


It's a basic GUI ,a more functional interface will be updated in future version.