
A compiler I did in college

Primary LanguageHaskellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

                         BLOOP AND FLOOP

In bullet points, for the impatient:

   o This is bloop, a BlooP/FlooP compiler

   o BlooP and FlooP are from Goedel, Escher, Bach by Doug Hofstader

   o You need GHC version 6.4

   o You need scsh version 0.6.6 for the Scheme back end
   o For the experimental C back end, you probably want gcc

   o You need *NIX (GNU/Linux, *BSD, OSX, Solaris _should_ all work).

   o The bloop compiler compiles BlooP/FlooP to Scheme. It is by no
     means designed to be efficient, and uses the notorious
     scheme library procedure call-with-current-continuation liberally.

How to compile:

   o type:  
        <wait a while>

       su -c make install
        <type your root password>
   o tadaaah!

How to use:

   o bloop takes the following arguments

  -h       --help         this message
  -v       --version      show version
  -s       --scheme       output Scheme
  -c       --c            output "C"
  -i       --i            output IR
  -o FILE  --output=FILE  output FILE
  -f FILE                 input FILE

   It needs both the -o and -f arguments, and one of -s, -c, -i

  For the time being, it is very picky about the order of these
  arguments and will give you an "internal compiler error" if you
  offend its sensibilities. I may fix that some time, but someone
  might have to bug me...

Compile test.geb to test.c, then run GCC on that:

  % bloop -c -o test.c -f test.geb && gcc -o test test.c

Compile test.geb to test.scm, then run that:

  % bloop -s -o test.scm -f test.geb && ./test.scm



The "bloop" program is a BlooP/FlooP compiler, which takes a
BlooP/FlooP program and turns it into a Scheme program with a shebang
line so that it can be executed by scsh. As an added bonus, you can
easily add code to the "prelude" to make Scheme library functions
available in BlooP/FlooP.

BlooP and FlooP are (similar) programming languages invented by
Douglas Hofstadter for his book "Goedel, Escher, Bach -- an Eternal
Golden Braid."


All the code from GEB compiles, with the following modifications:

 o Since Hofstader does not specify the syntax for a "program", only
   for a "procedure", I assume the following convention: a program is
   a semicolon-separated sequence of (mixed) procedures and
   expressions, followed by a period.

 o I allow the use of /* C-style comments */ and // C++ style comments

 o The multiplication sign becomes *; the assignment operator <=.

 o One of the programs in GEB is missing a semicolon.


The BlooP/FlooP compiler was written in May 2005 by 

  Jaap Weel
  <weel at ugcs dot caltech dot edu>

but would not have been possible without the Glorious Glasgow Haskell
compiler and Daan Leijen's Parsec and PPrint libraries.

If you, for whatever reason, have found a use for this utterly
frivolous piece of software, I would very much appreciate if you could
let me know at the above e-mail address.