
Test project for microk8s

microk8s test project

While trying to figure out the ins and outs of kubernetes, I ran into microk8s. This is a Canonical project for running a single host kubernetes "cluster" which can be used for development and testing with kubernetes.

I've added a Vagrantfile, so the installation can easily be set up locally.

Setting up

Steps to setup the microk8s cluster:

  1. Install vagrant
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Start the VM: vagrant up
  4. ssh into the VM: vagrant ssh
  5. dump the configuration: microk8s.kubectl config view --raw

The last command will dump the default kubernetes configuration to stdout. On your local machine (this outside the VM) you can configure this in ${HOME}/.kube/config. If this file doesn't exist, you can just create it. If it does exist, you need to merge it to be able to connect to the cluster.

Also, the dumped config points to for the kubernetes API. As you'll want to contact kubernetes from outside the VM, replace with This is the default IP configured in the host only network in Vagrantfile.

Configuration files.

In the configs directory, I've added some deployment configurations. When your local kubectl is configured correctly (kubectl config use-context microk8s), you should be able to apply a configuration. For example:

  • Create the kubernetes Service for the MySQL/phpmyadmin test setup: kubectl apply -f configs/mysql-pma/mysql-pma.yaml
  • Create a kubernetes dev namespace: kubectl apply -f configs/namespace.yaml