
Example Oracle Aggregator that can be used with Blend pools

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Oracle Aggregator

Example Oracle Aggregator that can be used with Blend pools.

Maps Assets to a respective oracle, so that multiple oracles can be used from a single contract. This contract is optimized for use with a Blend pool, so only lastprice is supported.

The oracle aggregator also contains an admin such that the admin has the ability to block and unblock price reads for an Asset.

  • block
    • Causes a price read of Asset to panic
  • unblock
    • Removes a block on Asset, and allows price reads to


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Oracle Aggregator is made available under the MIT License, which disclaims all warranties in relation to the project and which limits the liability of those that contribute and maintain the project, including Script3. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any use of Oracle Aggregator and you assume all risks associated with any such use.