
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A tool for evaluating the performance of LLM inference serving engines.


Make sure you have:

  • Docker Compose installed
  • A basic understanding of Docker and Docker Compose

Performance Evaluation Overview

The evaluation workload sends concurrent inference requests, following a Poisson distribution with a given request rate (λ). The Poisson distribution is used for generating requests with the expectation of λ events in a given interval, meaning that the time interval between requests follows an exponential distribution with a mean of 1/λ. (i.e., greater λ values mean more requests are sent to the engine.)

A workload is generated by a given workload_config.yaml. Here are the details of the workload configuration format.

The following metrics are measured in the performance evaluation:

  • Throughput (requests per second, input tokens per second, output tokens per second)
  • Latency (seconds) / Token Latency (millisecond)
  • Time to first token (millisecond, enabled with stream mode)
  • Time per output tokens (millisecond, enabled with stream mode)

You can simply run the performance evaluation with the docker-compose.yml file in this repo. The docker-compose.yml file is already loaded with the grafana and prometheus containers, so you just simply access http://localhost:3000 to monitor the live performance. Additionally, the end-to-end metrics are saved as a .csv file.


Quick Start with Friendli Engine

In this quick start, we will evaluate the performance of the Friendli Engine. The experiment will be conducted with the following configurations:

STEP 0. Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/friendliai/LLMServingPerfEvaluator.git
cd LLMServingPerfEvaluator

STEP 1. Prepare working directory

mkdir -p workspace/config/request_config
mkdir -p workspace/config/workload_config
mkdir -p workspace/grafana
mkdir -p workspace/prometheus

STEP 2. Set up the configuration files

In this quick start, we use the following configuration files in this repository:

Also, we use the grafana and prometheus configuration files in this repository. Please copy grafana and prometheus directories in this repository to the workspace directory. (grafana/provisioning/compare_engines_dashboard.json does not need to be copied.)

cp examples/workload_config/dummy.yaml workspace/config/workload_config/
cp examples/request_config/friendli.yaml workspace/config/request_config/
cp -r grafana/ workspace/
cp -r prometheus/ workspace/

The workspace directory structure should look like this:

$ tree workspace/ -a
├── config
│    ├── request_config
│    │   └── friendli.yaml
│    └── workload_config
│        └── dummy.yaml
├── grafana
│   └──provisioning
│      ├── dashboards
│      │   ├── datshboard.yaml
│      │   └── single_engine_dashboard.json
│      └── datasources
│          └── datasource.yaml
└── prometheus
   └── config
      └── prometheus.yml


workload_config.yaml: Describes how to generate input-output pairs of requests in the experiment.

Currently, two types of workloads are supported:

  • dummy: A synthetic input-output pair with a given length range.
  • hf: A input-output pair from Hugging Face dataset.

For more details, please refer to the document on generating workloads.


request_config.yaml: Builds the request body with the engine-specific format.

In this quick start, we use the Friendli Engine request config below:

# request_config.yaml for Friendli Engine
stream: True

If stream is set to True, the engine will generate the output tokens one by one, and the Time to first token and Time per output tokens metrics are measured. If stream is set to False, the metrics are not measured.


You can use request_config example in examples/request_config for other engines.

If you want to use another request body format, you can add your RequestConfig class in src/engine_client and write your own request config file. For more details, please refer to section about adding custom EngineClient.

STEP 3. Set up the docker-compose.yml and the .env file (or environment variables)

Copy the docker-compose.yml file in this repository to the workspace directory. Also, copy the examples/docker_compose/.friendli_env file in this repository to the workspace directory.

cp docker-compose.yml workspace/
cp examples/docker_compose/.friendli_env workspace/.env

When you open the .env file, there are environment variables for the experiment. The environment variables with braces should be replaced with the actual values.

# Experiment Environment Variables
HF_MODEL_NAME=meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct # The model repo id of the Hugging Face model
REQUEST_RATES=1,3,5,7 # The average number of requests per second
DURATION=300 # The duration of the experiment in seconds
TIMEOUT=450 # The timeout of the experiment in seconds
CONFIG_DIR=./config # The directory path to the configuration files: workload_config.yaml, request_config.yaml
RESULT_DIR=./result # The directory path to save the end-to-end metrics
CLIENT_TYPE=http  # Use http or grpc. Only friendli engine supports grpc client.
GRPC_MODE=false  # Use true for grpc, false for http. Only friendli engine supports grpc mode.

# Experiment Environment Variables for the Hugging Face model

# user id by `id -u` in your host machine.

# General Engine Environment Variables

# Friendli Engine Environment Variables.

# Friendli Engine Environment Variables for MoE models or quantized models.
# POLICY_DIR={the directory path to the policy files}

For the FRIENDLI_CONTAINER_SECRET, please refer to the Friendli Suite for more details.


If you want to run MoE models or quantized models, set the POLICY_DIR in the .env file. For more details of the POLICY_DIR, please refer this document.

Now, the workspace directory structure should look like this:

$ tree workspace/ -a
├── .env
├── config
│   ├── request_config
│   │   └── friendli.yaml
│   └── workload_config
│       └── dummy.yaml
├── docker-compose.yml
├── grafana
│   └── provisioning
│       ├── dashboards
│       │   ├── datshboard.yaml
│       │   └── single_engine_dashboard.json
│       └── datasources
│           └── datasource.yaml
└── prometheus
    └── config
        └── prometheus.yml

If you want to check whether the docker-compose.yml file is correctly set up with .env file, you can run the following command in the workspace directory:

docker compose config


Environment variables for the experiment: DURATION, TIMEOUT, and REQUEST_RATE

If the engine serves requests properly, the experiment at a certain REQUEST_RATE will finish approximately at a DURATION time. However, if the engine is overloaded, the experiment will take significantly longer than the DURATION time. In this case, you can set the TIMEOUT value to stop the experiment.

To determine how many requests can be processed in a second with proper latency (~100 tokens/ms, which is faster than a typical person can read), you should try various REQUEST_RATE values.


The DURATION should be long enough to collect sufficient samples for the performance evaluation. The default value of DURATION is 300 seconds, and we recommend using more than 300 seconds for performance evaluation.


When a experiment takes significantly longer than the DURATION time, you can set the TIMEOUT value to stop the experiment. We recommend setting the TIMEOUT value to 1.5 times the DURATION value. If the experiment finishes after the TIMEOUT value at a certain REQUEST_RATE, the experiments with larger REQUEST_RATE values will not be executed.


The REQUEST_RATE is the average number of requests per second, which is the expectation of the Poisson distribution. The time interval between requests follows an exponential distribution with a mean of 1/REQUEST_RATE. Therefore, the greater the REQUEST_RATE value, the more requests are sent to the engine.


Hugging Face environment variables for the experiment:: HF_HUB_CACHE & HF_TOKEN

  • HF_HUB_CACHE: The directory path to cache the Hugging Face model. If your host machine has a cache directory for the Hugging Face model, you can set the HF_HUB_CACHE environment variable to the directory path. If you want to other cache directory, you can override the HF_HUB_CACHE environment variable in the .env file.
  • HF_TOKEN: The Hugging Face API token to download the model from the Hugging Face hub. For more detail about the Hugging Face API token, please refer to here.

STEP 4. Run the performance evaluation with Docker Compose

  • Run the performance evaluation with the following command in the workspace directory:
cd workspace
docker compose up -d

STEP 5. Check the performance metrics

Access grafana to monitor the live performance: http://localhost:3000.


  • The default username and password are admin and admin.

STEP 6. Exit the performance evaluation

  • After the experiment, you can stop the performance evaluation with the following command:
docker compose down
  • Check the end-to-end metrics in {RESULT_DIR} directory.

Performance Evaluation on Different LLM Serving Engines

You can copy and modify the {engine}-docker-compose.yml file to run the performance evaluation on different serving engines.

Additionally, there are also .{engine}_env files for the different environment variables for the different serving engines.


In examples/docker_compose, there are docker-compose.yml files for the engines listed below:


For comparing the performance of the different engines, you can use examples/docker_compose/compare-docker-compose.yml file with .compare_env file. With grafana/compare_engines_dashboard.json, you can monitor the performance of the engines in the same dashboard. If you want to compare the performance of Friendli Engine and vLLM, please refer to our blog post!

If you want to test other engines, you can add another EngineClient class in src/engine_client and write your own docker-compose file.

Evaluation Results

1. End-to-end performance metrics

  • Represents performance metrics for all of the requests, collected and calculated upon the termination of the experiment.
  • The following metrics are measured:
    • Throughput: processed requests/tokens in a second
    • Latency: time taken to process a request
    • Token Latency: average time taken to process each output token of a request (i.e., latency / # of output tokens)
    • Time to first token: time taken to generate the first token of a request
    • Time per output tokens: average time taken between output tokens of a request
  • For Latency, Time to first token, and Time per output tokens, the average, median, 95th percentile, and 99th percentile are calculated.


The end-to-end metrics are saved in {RESULT_DIR} directory.

  • '{engine_type}_{model_name}.conf' : experiment configuration file
  • '{engine_type}_{model_name}.csv' : end-to-end metrics file in csv format. You can easily analyze the results with this file using pandas or spreadsheet software.

2. Live performance metrics

  • Monitor the current performance metrics in grafana during the experiment.
  • The average of metrics is calculated by using responses up to now.
  • The percentile of metrics are calculated by using responses which are collected in a time window (default=10s).


We use prometheus-summary to calculate quantiles of metrics. If there are no responses collected in the time window, the percentile metrics are not calculated (i.e., there are empty values during the experiment on the dashboard).


Q. How to analyze the performance metrics?

If the engine can serve requests properly at a certain REQUEST_RATE, the throughput will follow the REQUEST_RATE value, and the latency will not increase. On the other hand, if the latency increases during the experiment, the engine is overloaded and can't serve the requests properly. Therefore, you can determine the maximum REQUEST_RATE value that the engine can serve properly by checking the throughput and latency metrics.

LLMServingPerfEvaluator for Developers

If you wish to further develop the contents of this repository, please follow the instructions below.

Install LLMServingPerfEvaluator

git clone https://github.com/friendliai/LLMServingPerfEvaluator.git
cd LLMServingPerfEvaluator
pip install -r requirements.txt

Adding a Custom Engine Client

To run the performance evaluation with other engines, you can add your own EngineClient class in the src/engine_client directory. Also, you can add your own RequestConfig class in the same directory to build request body with the engine-specific format.

from engine_client.base import EngineClient, RequestConfig, CompletionResult, RequestData

class CustomEngineRequestConfig(RequestConfig):
    """Request configuration for the engine."""

    # Add your own request configuration here
    # Currently, `RequestConfig` class has `stream` attributes for turning on/off stream mode.

class CustomEngineClient(EngineClient):
    """Engine client for the custom engine."""

    def request_url(self) -> str:
        """Inference URL of the engine."""
        return ...

    def health_url(self) -> str:
        """Health check URL of the engine."""
        return ...

    def build_request(self, data: RequestData) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Build request body with the engine-specific format."""
        return ...

Run the Performance Evaluation on Custom Engines

Step 1. Set up the .env file (or environment variables) with the custom engine environment variables.

Step 2. Build the Docker image with the following command:

docker build -t friendliai/llm-serving-perf-evaluator:{tag} .

Step 3. Write the docker-compose.yml file with the custom engine.

Step 4. Run the performance evaluation with the following command:

# /path/to/directory/docker-compose.yml
docker compose up -d

Step 5. Check the performance metrics in grafana and the end-to-end metrics in {RESULT_DIR} directory.

Step 6. Exit the performance evaluation with the following command:

docker compose down

Support & Issues

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to open an issue in this repository.