
Python SDK of PeriFlow: the fastest engine for generative AI such as LLMs

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PeriFlow Python SDK

PeriFlow Python SDK for training machine learning models on FriendliAI PeriFlow. PeriFlow SDK is compatible with both local mode and cloud mode. When running your training script in your local machine, PeriFlow SDK runs in local mode. On the other hand, PeriFlow SDK runs in cloud mode when running your training script by using PeriFlow. If you want to use PeriFlow, please contact to us.


  1. Installation
  2. Using PeriFlow SDK
  3. Examples


PeriFlow SDK is built to PyPI and can be installed as follows:

pip install periflow_sdk

Also, you can install from source by cloning this repository:

git clone https://github.com/friendliai/periflow-python-sdk.git
cd periflow-python-sdk
pip install .

Using PeriFlow SDK

Basically, you can import and use our SDK as follows:

import periflow_sdk as pf

PeriFlow SDK provides several functions to make your training code works with PeriFlow.

pf.init(total_train_steps: int, local_log_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None

This function initializes PeriFlow. All other functions of PeriFlow SDK should be called after initialization.

  • total_train_steps: The number of total training steps of the training job
  • local_log_name: local filename where pf.metric writes into

Note: local_log_name is meaningful to local mode

pf.start_step() -> None

Mark that a single training step begins.

pf.end_step() -> None

Mark that the single training step ends.

Note: we provide function pf.train_step, a contextmanager which wraps start_step and end_step. train_step can be used as follows:

with pf.train_step():
    # your training step code

pf.upload_checkpoint() -> None

Trigger uploading the checkpoint of the current step.

Note: This function does nothing in local mode
Note: In distributed training (e.g., torch DDP), all ranks should call this function even if some of them have not actually saved the checkpoint. For example, not

import torch

if torch.distributed.get_rank() == 0:
    torch.save(state_dict, CKPT_PATH)

, but

import torch

if torch.distributed.get_rank() == 0:
    torch.save(state_dict, CKPT_PATH)

pf.metric(msg: Dict[str, JSONValue]) -> None

Optional function which logs a key-value metric dict and sends it to PeriFlow. However, this function does nothing in cloud mode. In local mode, this function writes the given metric dict into the local file system.


We provide simple examples in which PeriFlow SDK is applied. Each example contains a template as pf-template.yml, which is needed when launching a training job with PeriFlow:

pf job run -f (cifar|huggingface|pth-lightning)/pf-template.yml -d (cifar|huggingface|pth-lightning)

Vanilla PyTorch Example

CIFAR example is an example training script that uses vanilla PyTorch and Torch Distributed Data Parallel (DDP). To apply PeriFlow SDK, we first initialize PeriFlow as follows:


Then we wrap calling the train_step with pf.train_step.

with pf.train_step():
    loss, learning_rate = train_step(inputs=inputs,
    if not args.use_cpu:
    end_time = time.time()

Finally, we call upload_checkpoint after saving checkpoint.

if args.save and step % args.save_interval == 0:
    if torch_ddp.get_rank() == 0:
        torch.save({"latest_step": step,
                    "model": net.state_dict(),
                    "optimizer": optimizer.state_dict(),
                    "lr_scheduler": lr_scheduler.state_dict()},
                   os.path.join(args.save, "checkpoint.pt"))


HuggingFace Trainer Example

HuggingFace example is an example training script that uses HuggingFace Trainer class. Instead of inheriting and writing a custom Trainer class, we inject PeriFlowCallback as follows:

class PeriFlowCallback(TrainerCallback):
    def on_step_begin(self, args, state, control, **kwargs):

    def on_step_end(self, args, state, control, **kwargs):

    def on_save(self, args, state, control, **kwargs):

Then, we create a Trainer class using our custom callback.

callback = PeriFlowCallback()

# Initialize our Trainer
trainer = Trainer(
    train_dataset=train_dataset if training_args.do_train else None,
    eval_dataset=eval_dataset if training_args.do_eval else None,

PyTorch Lightning Trainer Example

PyTorch Lightning example is an example training script that uses PyTorch Lightning Trainer class. Similar to HuggingFace, we can create custom callback as follows:

class PeriFlowCallback(Callback):
    def on_train_batch_start(self,
                             trainer: pl.Trainer,
                             pl_module: pl.LightningModule,
                             batch: Any,
                             batch_idx: int,
                             unused: int = 0) -> None:

    def on_train_batch_end(self,
                           trainer: pl.Trainer,
                           pl_module: pl.LightningModule,
                           outputs: STEP_OUTPUT,
                           batch: Any,
                           batch_idx: int,
                           unused: int = 0) -> None:
        loss = float(outputs['loss'])
            "iteration": trainer.global_step,
            "loss": loss,

However, because PyTorch Lightning does not provide on_checkpoint_save callback, we write a simple PeriFlowTrainer.

class PeriFlowTrainer(Trainer):
    def save_checkpoint(self,
                        filepath: Union[str, Path],
                        weights_only: bool = False,
                        storage_options: Optional[Any] = None) -> None:
        super().save_checkpoint(filepath, weights_only=weights_only, storage_options=storage_options)

With PeriFlowCallback and PeriFlowTrainer, we can start the training.

periflow_callback = PeriFlowCallback()
trainer = PeriFlowTrainer(
    callbacks=[periflow_callback, checkpoint_callback],
    enable_checkpointing=isinstance(checkpoint_callback, ModelCheckpoint),

model = LitAutoEncoder()
datamodule = MyDataModule()
pf.init(total_train_steps=args.num_epochs * datamodule.num_steps_per_epoch)
