my TDD sandbox for Vanilla Ruby RSpec
Code is written within spec-files. 🤡
⚠Please note: this is for sandbox, simplicity and space-saving purposes only. IRL you should always write code in a separate file from spec
- card_spec.rb
RSpec.describe Card do
let(:card) {'Ace', 'Spades') }
- contain_exactly_matcher_spec.rb
context "with even num" do # context instead of describe. Also use '#' for instance method or '.' for class method
- before_and_after_spec.rb
speed optimisation
- all_matcher_spec.rb
- allow_method_spec.rb
- be_matchers_spec.rb
- change_matcher_spec.rb
- class_double_spec.rb
- comparison_matchers_spec.rb
- compound_expectations_assignment_spec.rb
- compound_expectations_spec.rb
- context_spec.rb
- described_class_spec.rb -
instead of calling original 'ClassName' use '' to future proof ClassName Changes
- double_assignment_spec.rb
- double_spec.rb
- equality_matchers_spec.rb
- explicit_subject_spec.rb -
subject/let -parameters setup
- have_attributes_matcher_spec.rb
- implicit_subject_spec.rb -
creates instance of Object for each example, once it is called for the first time within that example
- include_matcher_spec.rb
- instance_doubles_spec.rb
- matching_arguments_spec.rb
- movie_spec.rb
- multi_context_hooks_assignment_spec.rb
- nested_hooks_assignment_spec.rb
- nested_hooks_spec.rb
(speeding up and assigning custom params before and after tests)
- not_to_method_spec.rb
- not_to_spec.rb
- one_liner_syntax_spec.rb -
one liner is-expected (works with subject RSpec helper)
- overwriting_let_spec.rb
- playground_spec.rb
- predicate_methods_spec.rb
- raise_error_matcher_spec.rb
- respond_to_matcher_spec.rb
- satisfy_matcher_spec.rb
- shared_context_spec.rb
- shared_examples_spec.rb
- spec_helper.rb
- spies_II_spec.rb
- spies_spec.rb
- start_with_and_end_with_matchers_spec.rb
- stub_const_spec.rb