
Tool for fast navigation to ViewHolder's source code and visual debugging of complex RecyclerViews.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Github Actions codecov

RecyclerXRay is a debug tool for fast navigation to ViewHolder's source code and visual inspection of complex RecyclerView layouts.


Imagine onboarding on new project. This project has a lot of screens, navigation between screens are configured dynamically (via server responses). Each screen is RecyclerView-based and have a lot of different ViewHolders. Some of ViewHolders may contain another RecyclerView.

Finding specific ViewHolder in such setup may be hard. Finding specific ViewHolder for an invisible item view or for inner RecyclerView might be even harder. Doing it over and over again, you may find yourself wondering: Is there any way to find my ViewHolders faster?

RecyclerXRay library tries to answer this question.


During visual inspection of RecyclerView, RecyclerXRay allows the following things:

  • Show all debug information about ViewHolder (ViewHolder's class, view type, custom params, etc.);
  • Show preview of ViewHolder original item view on item click;
  • Log clickable link to file, where given ViewHolder is placed, on item click (clicking on this link in Android Studio will navigate you to ViewHolder!):

  • Show ViewHolders, that currently are not visible for user (i.e. itemView.width == 0 or itemView.height == 0);
  • Nested RecyclerView.Adapter inspection;
  • [Experimental] Support of ConcatAdapter;
  • ... and more!



Add to your top-level build.gradle this lines:

allprojects {
    repositories {

Then add the following lines to your build.gradle:

android {
    kotlinOptions {
        // This param is necessary for correct work
        // of logging of clickable link to ViewHolder
        freeCompilerArgs += ["-Xno-param-assertions"]

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.friendoye:recyclerxray:$version'

Also add this lines to your Application class:

// SampleApplication.kt

override fun onCreate() {
    // Depending on whether Application is debuggable or not,
    // sets real or no-op implementation.

If you need more fine-grained control, you can use the following method:

// SampleApplication.kt

override fun onCreate() {
        isNoOpMode = true, // to control no-op mode
        defaultXRaySettings = ... // to set different default settings 
                                  // for each LocalRecyclerXRay

Get started

To inspect RecyclerView.Adapter, use RecyclerXRay.wrap() and attach result to RecyclerView:

val wrappedAdapter = RecyclerXRay.wrap(adapter)
recyclerView.adapter = wrappedAdapter

To control inspection mode, use following methods:

RecyclerXRay.showSecrets() // Start inspection
RecyclerXRay.hideSecrets() // Stop inspection
RecyclerXRay.toggleSecrets() // Toggle current inspection state

If you want more fine-grained control over different RecyclerView.Adapter's (for example, you want another XRayDebugViewHolder setup), than you may create instance of LocalRecyclerXRay and use it same way as RecyclerXRay:

val localRecyclerXRay = LocalRecyclerXRay()
val wrappedAdapter = localRecyclerXRay.wrap(adapter)
recyclerView.adapter = wrappedAdapter


Adb Toggling

AdbToggleReceiver class makes it easy to toggle current inspection mode using adb command.

// MainActivity.kt

val adbToggleReceiver = AdbToggleReceiver(
    context = this,               // default Context object
    intentAction = "xray-toggle", // (optional) action name to use in adb command
    recyclerXRays = listOf(RecyclerXRay), // (optional) list of RecyclerXRay's, 
                                          // which modes will be toggled

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

To toggle inspection mode enter this command in your Terminal:

adb shell am broadcast -a xray-toggle

Nested RecyclerViews

Sometimes RecyclerView is nested inside one of your RecyclerView. If you want your LocalRecyclerXRay to be able to inspect them as well, you should enable such support in XRaySettings:

val localRecyclerXRay = LocalRecyclerXRay()
localRecyclerXRay.settings = XRaySettings.Builder()
        // ...
        // enable nested support
        // provide XRaySetting for given nested adapter 
        // if `null` is returned, there will be no inspection for given adapter
        .withNestedXRaySettingsProvider(object : NestedXRaySettingsProvider {
            override fun provide(
                nestedAdapter: RecyclerView.Adapter<*>,
                isDecorated: Boolean
            ): XRaySettings? {
                return XRaySettings.Builder().build()


You can also configure RecyclerXRay to your needs:

RecyclerXRay.settings = XRaySettings.Builder()
        .withDefaultXRayDebugViewHolder(...)  // Customize debug view, used for inspection
        .withMinDebugViewSize(100)            // Adjust size of debug view for invisible or small
                                              // RecyclerView.ViewHolder itemViews
        .withLabel("test_label")              // Will be used in logs/exceptions to indicate debug
                                              // name for given RecyclerXRay.
        .enableNestedRecyclersSupport(false)  // Enable nested RecyclerView inspection support
        .withNestedXRaySettingsProvider(null) // Provide custom XRaySetting for given nested adapter.
        .withExtraLoggableLinkProviders(...)  // Add extra LoggableLinkProvider's for better integration
                                              // with other libraries/frameworks.

Advanced topics

Custom debug layout

If you want to set other debug layout during inspection, you should:

  1. Implement XRayDebugViewHolder interface in custom class;
  2. Provide an instance of this class to XRaySettings:
val customDebugVH = CustomXRayDebugViewHolder()

RecyclerXRay.settings = XRaySettings.Builder()

Custom parameters

If you want to supply extra information to XRayDebugViewHolder about specific ViewHolder, you can implement XRayCustomParamsViewHolderProvider interface on your ViewHolder:


class SampleViewHolder private constructor(
    private val binding: SampleBinding
) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(binding.root), XRayCustomParamsViewHolderProvider {

    // ...

    override fun provideCustomParams(): Map<String, Any?>? {
        return mapOf("Type" to "Sample")

Or you can implement XRayCustomParamsAdapterProvider on your RecycerView.Adapter:


class SampleAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder>(), XRayCustomParamsAdapterProvider {

    // ...

    override fun provideCustomParams(position: Int): Map<String, Any?>? {
        return mapOf("Index" to position)

[Experimental] ConcatAdapter support

Right now there is an experimental support of brand new ConcatAdapter from AndroidX library. ConcatAdapter, as for time of writing, is still in alpha, so be careful, if you want to use it in production.

You can check out :sample module for more information.

[Experimental] LoggableLinkProvider

In order to be able (in theory) make possible integration with 3rd parties RecycleView utility libraries (e.g. Epoxy, Groupie), so we could navigate to its specific abstraction faster, LoggableLinkProvider interface was introduced.

RecyclerXRay library has built-in DefaultLoggableLinkProvider, so you shouldn't worry about providing it.

If you want to add links support for some Epoxy or Groupie, you should add integration library to your dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.friendoye:recyclerxray-epoxy-integration:$version' // Epoxy
    implementation 'com.friendoye:recyclerxray-groupie-integration:$version' // Groupie

And add corresponding EpoxyLinkProvider or GroupieLinkProvider to XRaySetting:

RecyclerXRay.settings = XRaySettings.Builder()
        // ...

You can check out :sample-epoxy or :sample-groupie module for more information.