Extended version for future reference: https://friendshipkim.notion.site/Implementing-Transformer-from-Scratch-5ec3145047774d5899df2470a73fc94f
The goal of this project is to implement a Transformer model from scratch, originally proposed in Attention is all you need paper. Among lots of good implementations, I chose PyTorch transformer - torch.nn.transformer
as the baseline. My goal is to replicate the model and machine translation results from this tutorial.
Given the popularity of the model, I'll only provide a brief description of its architecture. Transformer makes use of the attention mechanism to draw global dependencies between input and output. It can achieve significantly more parallelization than RNN by avoiding recurrence with attention. The skeleton of the model is encoder-decoder architecture. The encoder maps an input sequence into continuous representations, which is also called as memory. The decoder generates an output sequence based on memory.
The model architecture is depicted in Figure 1 of the paper. It is divided into four major modules: embedding, encoder, decoder, and final classifier.
- Embedding
- Token embedding
- Positional encoding
- Encoder - Stack of N identical encoder layers)
- Encoder layer
- Multi-head self-attention block
- Feed-forward block
- Encoder layer
- Decoder - Stack of N identical encoder layers)
- Decoder layer
- Multi-head self-attention block
- Multi-head cross-attention block
- Feed-forward block
- Decoder layer
- Final classifier
In terms of implementation, the model has four basic building blocks. Each building block performs the following:
- Token embedding - Learned embeddings to convert input and output tokens to vectors with
dimensions. - Positional encoding - Indicates the relative or absolute position of the tokens in the sequence, and is added element-wise to token embeddings.
- Multi-head attention block - Attention maps a query and a set of key-value pairs to an output. The multi-head attention block is made up of
parallel attention heads. Inputs and outputs for each attention head ared_k = d model / h
dimensioned vectors. - Feed-forward block - A fully connected feed-forward network composed of two linear transformations with a ReLU activation in between.
In my implementation, the embedding and final classifier are encapsulated in model/transformer.py
, while the encoder and decoder are in model/encoder.py
and model/decoder.py
, respectively. The basic building blocks mentioned above are under model/sublayer/
directory. This is how I organized my model implementation.
├── transformer.py
├── encoder.py
├── decoder.py
├── layer
│ ├── encoder_layer.py
│ └── decoder_layer.py
├── sublayer
│ ├── multihead_attention.py
│ ├── ffn_layer.py
│ ├── token_embedding.py
│ └── positional_encoding.py
Now, let's take a closer look at scaled dot-product attention, which is at the heart of the transformer model. Scaled dot-product attention takes query, key, and value as inputs. The output is computed as a weighted sum of the values, with the weight determined by the query and key.
My scaled dot-product attention method is under model.sublayer.multihead_attention.MultiheadAttention
class. The query is a batch_size * h, q_len, d_k
shaped tensor, and the key and value are also batch_sizes * h, k_len, d_k
shaped tensors. The query can have different sequence lengths from the other two, but the key and value must have the same length.
The code is as follows:
def calculate_attn(
self, q: Tensor, k: Tensor, v: Tensor, mask: Tensor = None
) -> typing.Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
calculate scaled dot product attention
:param q: torch.Tensor, shape: (batch_size * h, q_len, d_k)
:param k: torch.Tensor, shape: (batch_size * h, k_len, d_k)
:param v: torch.Tensor, shape: (batch_size * h, k_len, d_k)
:param mask: torch.Tensor, shape: (batch_size * h, q_len, k_len)
:return attn_out: torch.Tensor, shape: (batch_size * h, q_len, k_len)
:return attn_score: torch.Tensor, shape: (batch_size * h, q_len, q_len)
# 1. scaling
q = q / math.sqrt(self.d_k)
# 2. QK^T
attn_score = torch.bmm(q, k.transpose(-2, -1)) # shape: (batch_size * h, q_len, k_len)
# (3. masking)
if mask is not None:
attn_score = attn_score.masked_fill(mask == 0, value=float("-inf"))
# 4. softmax
attn_score = F.softmax(attn_score, dim=-1) # shape: (batch_size * h, q_len, k_len)
# (dropout)
# This is actually dropping out entire tokens to attend to, which might
# seem a bit unusual, but is taken from the original Transformer paper.
attn_score = self.dropout(attn_score)
# 5. dot product with V
attn_out = torch.bmm(attn_score, v) # shape: (batch_size * h, q_len, d_k)
return attn_out, attn_score
PyTorch transformer is the baseline I want to replicate. torch.nn.modules.transformer
module contains all model components except for the embedding layers. It's worth noting that its default configuration is batch_first=False
, which means that the input shape is (seq_len, batch_size, d_model)
, transposing the first and second dimensions of my implementation.
Multihead attention block is torch.nn.activation.MultiheadAttention
, but actual forwarding occurs when calling torch.nn.F.multi_head_attention_forward()
function. For scaled dot-product attention calculation, torch.nn.F._scaled_dot_attention()
function is similar to my calculate_attn()
function above.
Before training, I needed to make sure that my model has the same forward and backward pass as the baseline. To do so, I created a list of model statistics and check if they are the same for both models.
- The number of parameters
- Output tensor shape
- All the parameters have the same dimensions?
- My implementation has three input projections layers (each is
nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)
) for each query, key, and value. On the other hand, baseline implementation uses concatenated weights shaped(3 * d_model, d_model)
and assigns it as annn.Parameter
instead of usingnn.Linear
. As a result, the sizes ofstate_dict()
differ, and we need to manually match layer names to copy one to the other.
- My implementation has three input projections layers (each is
- All the parameters have the same dimensions?
- Copy the weights and feed an input
- without padding
- Outputs (embedding, encoder, decoder, classifier)
- Attention scores
- with padding
- Outputs (embedding, encoder, decoder, classifier)
- Attention masks
- Attention scores
- without padding
- Call
once and check if the gradients are the same for all parameters
pip install requirements.txt
pip install -e .
python ./tests/test_trainsformer.py
Now let’s train two models with the simple machine translation dataset, Multi30K. Adam optimizer is used, with a batch_size
of 32, and epochs
of 15. All model configurations and training hyperparameters are specified in config.py
To train the model:
# train baseline model
python main_mt.py --model-type baseline
# train my model
python main_mt.py --model-type my
To evaluate and print the test loss of the best model (which has the lowest validation loss):
# test baseline model
python main_mt.py --model-type baseline --evaluate True
# test my model
python main_mt.py --model-type my --evaluate True
Training logs
Baseline model
Epoch: 1, Train loss: 4.4871, Val loss: 3.8039, Epoch time = 52.652s Epoch: 2, Train loss: 3.6234, Val loss: 3.4906, Epoch time = 52.577s Epoch: 3, Train loss: 3.3233, Val loss: 3.2913, Epoch time = 52.472s Epoch: 4, Train loss: 3.0833, Val loss: 3.1061, Epoch time = 52.459s Epoch: 5, Train loss: 2.8785, Val loss: 2.9594, Epoch time = 52.458s Epoch: 6, Train loss: 2.6489, Val loss: 2.7452, Epoch time = 52.673s Epoch: 7, Train loss: 2.3937, Val loss: 2.4923, Epoch time = 52.777s Epoch: 8, Train loss: 2.1348, Val loss: 2.3153, Epoch time = 61.615s Epoch: 9, Train loss: 1.9175, Val loss: 2.1903, Epoch time = 52.868s Epoch: 10, Train loss: 1.7464, Val loss: 2.1355, Epoch time = 53.000s Epoch: 11, Train loss: 1.6094, Val loss: 2.0798, Epoch time = 52.860s Epoch: 12, Train loss: 1.4846, Val loss: 2.0489, Epoch time = 52.964s Epoch: 13, Train loss: 1.3819, Val loss: 2.0300, Epoch time = 52.968s Epoch: 14, Train loss: 1.2895, Val loss: 2.0113, Epoch time = 53.001s Epoch: 15, Train loss: 1.2102, Val loss: 2.0424, Epoch time = 52.878s
My model
Epoch: 1, Train loss: 4.4904, Val loss: 3.8435, Epoch time = 56.186s Epoch: 2, Train loss: 3.6351, Val loss: 3.4986, Epoch time = 56.136s Epoch: 3, Train loss: 3.3299, Val loss: 3.2877, Epoch time = 55.834s Epoch: 4, Train loss: 3.0969, Val loss: 3.1456, Epoch time = 55.873s Epoch: 5, Train loss: 2.8875, Val loss: 2.9348, Epoch time = 55.933s Epoch: 6, Train loss: 2.6291, Val loss: 2.7235, Epoch time = 55.994s Epoch: 7, Train loss: 2.3478, Val loss: 2.4603, Epoch time = 55.888s Epoch: 8, Train loss: 2.0843, Val loss: 2.2771, Epoch time = 56.395s Epoch: 9, Train loss: 1.8769, Val loss: 2.1647, Epoch time = 56.071s Epoch: 10, Train loss: 1.7149, Val loss: 2.1116, Epoch time = 56.210s Epoch: 11, Train loss: 1.5778, Val loss: 2.0779, Epoch time = 56.123s Epoch: 12, Train loss: 1.4668, Val loss: 2.0500, Epoch time = 56.168s Epoch: 13, Train loss: 1.3670, Val loss: 2.0396, Epoch time = 60.289s Epoch: 14, Train loss: 1.2777, Val loss: 2.0254, Epoch time = 73.164s Epoch: 15, Train loss: 1.1974, Val loss: 2.0281, Epoch time = 62.193s
Training loss trends of the two models are not exactly the same due to nondeterminism in weight initialization and dropout, but they show a similar trend. Nondeterminism can be removed by 1. using custom dropout instead of
, 2. using SGD instead of Adam, and 3. initializing the baseline model first and copying the weights to my model. After nondeterministic properties are removed, the two models have the same training loss trend. -
Test loss
Baseline model
Test loss: 2.0176
My model
Test loss: 2.0239
- Train with larger datasets: IWSLT2016 or 2017
- Implement beam search
- Measure BLEU score