
Frip Web Frontend의 커스텀 ESLint입니다.

Typescript, React 환경에 맞추어져 있으며, 기존 프로젝트와 의존된 부분이 많아 현재 범용성있게 사용할 순 없으나 추후 지속적으로 발전시킬 예정입니다.

Airbnb ESLint룰을 기본으로 채택하고 있으며, 필요시 추가 및 제거하는 방향으로 구성하고 있습니다.


$ npm i -D @frientrip/eslint-config-frip


Javascript or Typescript

// .eslintrc or .eslintrc.json

    "root": true,
    "extends": ["@frientrip/eslint-config-frip"],
    parserOptions: {
      ecmaVersion: 6,
      sourceType: 'module',
      project: './tsconfig.json',
    settings: {
      'import/parsers': {
        '@typescript-eslint/parser': ['.ts', '.tsx'],
     * import plugin with Typescript configuration
     * https://github.com/alexgorbatchev/eslint-import-resolver-typescript#configuration
      'import/resolver': {
        webpack: {
          config: './internals/webpack/webpack.prod.babel.js',
        typescript: {
          alwaysTryTypes: true, // always try to resolve types under `<root>@types` directory even it doesn't contain any source code, like `@types/unist`
          directory: './tsconfig.json',
      'import/ignore': ['types', 'node_module'], // Weirdly eslint cannot resolve exports in types folder (try removing this later)


// .eslintrc or .eslintrc.json

    "root": true,
    "extends": ["@frientrip/eslint-config-frip/react"],
    "rules": {
      // 추가할 커스텀 훅 작성
    parserOptions: {
      ecmaVersion: 6,
      sourceType: 'module',
      ecmaFeatures: {
        jsx: true,
      jsx: true,
      useJSXTextNode: true,
      project: './tsconfig.json',
    settings: {
      react: {
        version: 'detect',
      'import/parsers': {
        '@typescript-eslint/parser': ['.ts', '.tsx'],
     * import plugin with Typescript configuration
     * https://github.com/alexgorbatchev/eslint-import-resolver-typescript#configuration
      'import/resolver': {
        webpack: {
          config: './internals/webpack/webpack.prod.babel.js',
        typescript: {
          alwaysTryTypes: true, // always try to resolve types under `<root>@types` directory even it doesn't contain any source code, like `@types/unist`
          directory: './tsconfig.json',
      'import/ignore': ['types', 'node_module'], // Weirdly eslint cannot resolve exports in types folder (try removing this later)

package.json에 다음 스크립트를 추가해주세요.

  "lint": "eslint './**/*.{js,ts,tsx}'",
  "lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix"


// .prettierrc


package.json에 다음 스크립트를 추가해주세요.

  "prettier": "prettier '**/*.{json,yaml,md}' --check",
  "prettier:fix": "prettier '**/*.{json,yaml,md}' --write"


// .stylelintrc or .stylelintrc.json

    "root": true,
    "extends": ["@frientrip/eslint-config-frip/stylelint"],

package.json에 다음 스크립트를 추가해주세요.

  "lint:style": "stylelint './**/*.{js,ts,tsx}'",
  "lint:style:fix": "stylelint './**/*.{js,ts,tsx}' --fix"