Test MonoGame-wasm on the Web

Demo hosted at Vercel
MonoGame-wasm - Demo

Tried also github pages but deployment took too long.
Lost patience after 5 minutes. So I searched for an alternative.
Found this: Top 5 free website hosting platforms for your next project and tried Vercel.


and deployment in 2 min.

Github Pages

Deployment with GitHub pages had not the expected result.
The *.wasm files were excluded from deployment. See: https://github.com/friflo/SdlWasmSample-web/actions/runs/8114311717/job/22179648959

Deployment included only these files


Setup MonoGame-wasm

Deploy as static web page

Below the list of files added to repository for static web site hosting.

    index.html      (copied via devtools)
    main.js         (copied via devtools)

The *.wasm and *.dat files are cached by the browser. So subsequent loads are fast.

The resulting folder structure - see MonoGame