
Save your Outlook/Thunderbird profiles (mails...)

Primary LanguageC++

#				ProfileEvo Version 0.3 			      =
#				  Par Francis Genet			      =

This program will allow you to save your profiles (mails…) for Outlook Express,
Thunderbird and Microsoft Office Outlook.

This program was tested under Thunderbird 3, Outlook Express 6 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.

This version do NOT automatically archive the folder, you will have to do it by yourself
in order to easily keep them. 

V0.3: january 24 2010 :

- Adding import

V0.2: january 11 2010 : 

- Adding Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

V0.1: december 28 2009 : 

- First version of the application.


All icons from http://www.iconfinder.net/

(c) 2009-2012 _ Francis Genet