
OpenTelemetry span exporter, which prints traces in a tree-like format

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Crates.io Documentation Workflow Status


An stdout exporter implementation for OpenTelemetry Rust, which prints traces in a tree-like format.

SE  my-awesome-books.com  GET /authors/:authorId/boo  500  584ms  ==================
 IN  middleware - expressInit                           0      0  =
 IN  middleware - query                                 0      0  =
 IN  middleware - session                               0  523ms  ================
  CL  pg-pool.connect                                   0  303ms  =========
  CL  sessions  SELECT sess FROM "session" WHERE sid    0  219ms           =======
 IN  middleware - initialize                            0      0                  =
 IN  middleware - authenticate                          0      0                  =
  user authenticated                                                              ·
 IN  request handler - /authors/:authorId/books/:boo    0   59ms                  ==
  CL  book-service.book-service  POST /graphql        200   59ms                  ==
   SE  book-service.book.service  POST /graphql       200      0                   =
    IN  query                                           0      0                   =
     IN  field                                          2      0                   =
      unknown: something went wrong                                                ·
    IN  parse                                           0      0                   =
    IN  validation                                      0      0                   =


Configure an OpenTelemetry pipeline and start creating spans:

use opentelemetry::trace::Tracer as _;

let tracer = opentelemetry_stdout_tree::new_pipeline().install_simple();
tracer.in_span("main", |_cx| {});


The function install automatically configures an asynchronous batch exporter if you enable either the async-std or tokio feature for the opentelemetry crate. Otherwise spans will be exported synchronously.

Attribute mapping

The exporter makes use of OpenTelemetry semantic conventions to provide more useful output for known types of spans. Currently supported are:

  • HTTP: Shows method, host and path and uses status code to determine errors.
  • DB: Shows database name and statement or operation.
  • Exception events: shows exception type and message.