
Source code for GJK visualizer project

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Source code for GJK collision detection project during the course DH2323 Computer Graphics and Interaction.

This is the .dll code, in a Visual Studio 2019 project, used for https://github.com/frilel/GJK_tester. See https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UsingDLL.html under the heading “Create a DLL with Visual Studio” for how to create a .dll to use in Unity. Or just grab it from the GJK_tester/Assets/Plugins/CLCollision.dll.

A blog was written during the work of this project, where more details can be read: https://dh2323christianlindberg.wordpress.com

The final report is available here https://dh2323christianlindberg.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/implementing-gjk-as-a-plugin-for-unity_christian-lindberg-project-report-1.pdf