
Android hidden APIs and system services for static analysis.

Primary LanguagePython


Extract jar from AOSP source code compiling files

# android.jar service helper API

# service implement API
# classes floder in 
# extract all classes
python3 combine.py

Extract jar from Emulator

AndroidApiExtract is a tool used to extract full framework jar with hiden APIs from Android devices.

framework-full.jar: contain all the classes. framework-lite.jar: only contain android framework and service classes. (use for static analysis)

Extract Methods in oat2smali2dex2jar.py:

For API23-25:

First, use OdexAndOat2Smali() scan and convert every .odex and .oat files in /system/framework directory to smali files in one out directory.

Second, use Smali2Dex() convert the smali files to .dex files.

Third, use Dex2Jar() convert .dex files to jar for 

For API26+:

First, use vdexExtractor to get smali files from /system/framework directory
Second, use Dex2Jar() convert .dex files to jar for API26+

For API29+: https://github.com/aeab13/android-jar-with-hidden-api