
Create a non-privileged user.

MIT LicenseMIT

Ansible Role User

This role installs sudo, creates a series of groups and the relevant users.

This role was built to be ran as part of the initial provisioning of servers.


If you are running this from a Mac, you need to install passlib.

pip install passlib.

Role Variables

Although there are some "sane" defaults, the following can be set.

  • Users array
  - { username: user,
    groups: [sudo],
    shell: /bin/bash,
    set_password: true,
    home: /home/user,
    passwordless_sudo: false,
    authorized_keys: [~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub]
  - { username: ansible,
    groups: [nopasswd_sudo],
    uid: 9999,
    shell: /bin/bash,
    home: /home/ansible,
    passwordless_sudo: true,
    authorized_keys: [~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub]}

Mind that some vars are optional (groups, uid, set_password). Beware of set_password. If used, it will store the password in /tmp/user_password and you will be forced to change the password during the first login. If you omit it, it will lock the password (usermod -L). You prefer the latter for deployment accounts and nopasswd sudo.

  • sudoers
  - { name: "sudo", perms: "ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" }
  - { name: "nopasswd_sudo", perms: "ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" }

Creates the relevant sudoers group.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
     - { role: frite.user_creation }

Installation is as easy as ansible-galaxy install frite.user_creation

Contribution guidelines

Issues are welcome and so are code contributions. Reg. code contributions, your code needs to pass all tests, i.e. molecule test must succeed.
