
A small Google Spreadsheet loader written in javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#GSpreadsheet ##Usage

  1. Load the script into your page thank you.
  2. You're good to use it. Great job!
  3. Create example var example = new GSpreadsheet();

##Reference ###GSpreadsheet findSheetById( SheetID String ) - Returns a GSheet modal or false if the SheetID is not found. This SheetID is the one from Google Spreadsheets such as the usual od7.

findSheetByTitle( SheetTitile String ) - Returns an array of GSheet modals with the found title or false if not found.

getInformation - Return an object consisting of the author, lastUpdated and title of the given workbook.

getSheets( ArrayIndex Integer [optional] ) - Returns the sheet at the given index or all of the sheets if not index is given.

loadSheets( onCompleteHandler Function [optional], ParseNumbers Boolean [optional] ) - Loads all the sheets related to the workbook. onCompleteHandler is fired when it has finished loading all the sheets. ParseNumbers is defaulted to false but ensures that any numbers in the cells are stored as numbers rather than strings.

loadWorkbook( TableKey String, onCompleteHandler Function [optional] ) - Loads the given workbook from the key. onCompleteHandler is fired when load is completed.

###GSheet findRowsWith(Searchworc String/Regex [required], ToObject Boolean [optional], ColumnIndex Integer [optional]) - Returns an array of either objects or arrays (dependant on ToObject being set to true, defaulted to false) that contained the search word.

getHeaders - Returns the headers/first row.

getInformation - Returns an object containing id and title.

toArray(RowIndex Integer [optional]) - Returns the rows; an array(columns) within array(rows).

toObject(RowIndex Integer [optional]) - Return an array of objects using the first row as headers/keys.