
Parse GeoJSON/topoJSON file to Google Maps

Primary LanguageJavaScript


###A GeoJSON parser that works with the Google Maps API to produce polygons, linestrings and points. Loads a GeoJSON or TopoJSON.


###GeoJSON global object

GeoJSON.loadJSON( url, onCompleteHandler ): Loads a url pointing at a json/topojson file. onCompleteHandler returns the object.

GeoJSON.parse( jsonObject ): Parses the GeoJSON or TopoJSON file into GeoJsonFeature.

###GeoJsonFeature Instance

GeoJsonFeature.shapes Returns an array of features relating to the GeoJSON loaded.

GeoJsonFeature.shapes.each( iterator ) Calls the iterator over the shapes passing the index and the google marker/polyline/polygon. Returning false breaks the loop.

GeoJsonFeature.addEvent( index [optional], eventName, handler ) Adds an event to all or a google marker/polyline/polygon within the GeoJsonFeature. Return either a google event listener or array of google event listeners.

GeoJsonFeature.contains( lat, lng ) Checks if the GeoJsonFeature contains the passed lat,lng or Google.maps.LatLng

GeoJsonFeature.getBounds Returns the bounds of the whole GeoJsonFeature

GeoJsonFeature.getCenter Returns the center of the GeoJsonFeature. This is based off the bounds.

GeoJsonFeature.getStyles( index [optional] ) Returns the style for the specified index or returns an array of all the shapes

GeoJsonFeature.removeEvent( listener [optional] ) Removes all the event listeners or just the specified one

GeoJsonFeature.setMap( map ) Sets the map for all the GeoJsonFeature shapes

GeoJsonFeature.setStyles( index, key, val ) GeoJsonFeature.setStyles( index, styleObject ) GeoJsonFeature.setStyles( iterator ) GeoJsonFeature.setStyles( styleObject ) Sets the style of the shape(s)

GeoJsonFeature.trigger( index [optional], eventName ) Triggers the event for all the shapes or just the specified