Having the updated ESP32 SC01 display, named WT32-SC01-PLUS which features a parallel driven display and a esp32-s3, I could not find any working examples for it. I could find some older SC01 examples for platform.io which worked with the TFT_eSPI grafics library. After struggeling to get it working with this parallel display, I found out that some of the display pins on the WT32-SC01-PLUS had a number higher than 31. Unfortunately the TFT_eSPI library uses a trick which makes it impossible to use pins numbered above 31...

Fortunately LovyanGFX library does not have this restriction.

This template is made for easy use in platform.io

First of all the WT32-SC01-PLUS is using a custom ESP32-S3 module made by WIRELESS-TAG. It has 8Mb FLASH and 2Mb PSRAM. In platform.io the closest esp32-s3 for this is the um_tinys3 board. So I used this here, see platform.ini for details

Note that after uploading the firmware, the device is NOT automatically restarted, you have to do this manually (BUG in ESP32 library)

This template works together with the squareline editor from lvgl, this is the workflow used

When working with the squareline editor from lvgl, set the project in squareline to:

  • Arduino, with TFT_eSPI (which we cannot use, but will replace with LovyanGFX in this main.cpp file)
  • 480 x 320, 16 bit display

Export the template project AND export the UI Files You will get a project directory with two directories inside, 'ui' and 'libraries'

From the libraries directory, copy the lv_conf.h to this projects /src/ directory (overwrite the old one)

From the ui directory, copy all files to this projects src/ui/ directory (you can empty the ui directory first if needed) The ui.ino file can/should be deleted because this main.cpp files takes over.

Then just build and upload (and manually reset), and the UI should be visible on the screen