
Fontawesome 5

Opened this issue · 6 comments

What about an update or additional option for Fontawesome 5 Free/Brands?

The CSS classes i.e. just changed to <a class="facebook fab fa-facebook-f" href="...

My plan is to actually ditch these fontawesome templates in the next major version and use inline SVGs instead, which you can then style directly.

That's an excellent idea, which is good for the performance. Also, various icon sets with different colors, or can the icon be altered directly using CSS?

You can change colours for individual SVG components via your own CSS when using inline SVG, yes.

Will it be delivered with inline SVG by default or has it to replace the used SVG file?

My plan is to provide inline SVGs by default, e.g. from

Very good idea. I‘m looking forward to the new version.