
Visualize neural network weights from different kind of libraries

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Visualize a trained neural network weights from different libraries

Table of Contents


  • Load neural network weights, WeightVis will automatically visualize the neural network weights !
  • For now the library works with only for fully connected layers
  • Supported Libraries : Pytorch, Sklearn and SimplyNet(https://github.com/frknayk/SimplyNet)
  • Tensorflow will be integrated soon !


  • Simplest example with pytorch
from Visualizer.Brain import Brain
from Libraries.Enums import NNLibs as Libs

# Initate visualizer
brain = Brain(nn_lib=Libs.Torch)

# Visualize neural network
brain.visualize("path_your_pytorch_model", load_from_path=True)
  • Output

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  • pip3 install -e .


  1. Tensorflow is incoming !
  2. Extend library to CNNs
  3. Arise warning when neura-network size exceeds limits of library
  4. Long term TODO : 3D visualisation


✍️ Authors

🎉 Acknowledgements

  • The script was first moved from a github user's [@craffel] "draw_neural_net.py" script.