Memory Game for Android (Harry Potter Edition)

A Harry Potter themed memory game app for android which allows users to play and win a game, featuring characters from the Harry Potter movies. It has features like Signup, Login and allows users to select different board size for the game.


  • User Signup and Login
  • Different board size options (Easy, Medium, and Hard)
  • Keep track of the number of moves and pairs matched
  • Music can be toggled on/off

Getting Started

To run this app, you will need to have Android Studio installed on your computer and setup a Firebase project with Email-Password authentication and Realtime Database.


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Open the project in Android Studio
  3. Add your google-services.json to the app folder.
  4. Connect an Android device or use an emulator to run the app


  • Android Studio
  • Firebase Account with Email-Password authentication and Realtime Database setup

If you want to download and try it on your android phone

Download Link: