**Project not yet running. Keep also care .... learning project of author ;) **
A little tool to collect data of people wanting to contribute to a location based project like freifunk.
The software is intended to have this features -- not yet done :
- offering a registration form where people can register with there location
- offering a list with geolocation of people registered
- having a backend-interface allowing to get in contact with people
Blankspot depends on:
- Django and therefor Python
- A database server supported by django (PostgreSQL recommended) and its development libraries -- we have used PostgreSQL here
For detailed list of python dependencies, have a look at requirements.txt next to this file.
Creating databaseuser
Having default settings on you will need to run a postgres server on localhost. Needed user and database can be create e.g. with logging in as superuser to database and then:
CREATE ROLE blankspotuser WITH PASSWORD 'hahahfooo' LOGIN;
ALTER DATABASE blankspot OWNER TO blankspotuser;
Install virtualenvwrapper. This can be done either via your packet manage or by running
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
(This HowTo now only describes steps done on a Debian system. When running Windows or for further detail, check documentation -- a good idea anyway.)
Now you have to setup your environment.
$ export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
$ mkdir -p $WORKON_HOME
$ source /usr/local/bin/
$ mkvirtualenv blankspot
This will create a folder Envs inside your home and install the virtualenv into it. You might want to add the export and the source command to your local shell configuration to ensure, it's loaded on startup.
With running the mkvirtualenv command you will be already inside the environment. You can install as many environments you wish to and switch between them by running workon <virutal_env_name>, for example workon blankspot.
Once inside the virtualenv, you have to install the needed packages. This can be done by:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
You will find the tranlstions files inside locales//LC_MESSAGES/django.po encoded with gettext's po file format. To update translation file you can run
$ makemessages --all
After this has been done, translations needs to be recompiled with
$ python compilemessages
For translation the files you can use for example poedit or just any text editor -- like Geany which is also having some translations plugin.
The software is distributed under terms of AGPLv3+. Please check COPYING for details.