
Scrapes 1000+ thread into a single html document for better reading and analysis

Primary LanguageHTML


Aim: To scrape a 1000+ bitcointalk [ANN] thread into a single highly readible html document for better reading and analysis An example of such a thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421615.20


Currently reading the bitcointalk [ANN] thread for a crypto-currency is useful tool for (investment) analysis of crypto-currency. The issues faces by a reader of a bitcointalk [ANN] are

  1. Their are often 1000+ pages in the [ANN] thread so you have to click the 'next button' 1000+ times 2.There are ads, user footer/motto's, icons ... that effect readibility
  2. The styling is un-appealing


The three issues outlined above outline the timeline of the project. The first challenge has been addressed and completed.

To Do.

  1. Remove the ads, annoying icons, user footers and mottos from the document
  2. Make the styling attractive and highly readible (think medium.com)

Install / Use

Install packages

Scrapy: https://scrapy.org/ $ pip install scrapy BeautifulSoup: https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/ $ pip install beautifulsoup4 lxml: http://lxml.de/installation.html $ pip install lxml

Step 1.

Create a new directory (folder) on your computer

Step 2.

Clone the repository into this new directory on your computer

Step 3.

Open the command propmt in this new directory

Step 4.


$python runfile.py
  • The command prompt will ask you to enter the name of the crpyto-currencies you want to create the [ANN] document for.
  • This command should take 1-3 seconds to run

Step 5.


$scrapy crawl bitcointalk
  • This command will run the spider
  • This command will take much longer to run (it depends highly on the number of webpages the spider has to parse)

Step 6.

After the spider has finished running, if there were no errors, an .html document should have been created in the new top level directory that you created.