
HTML5Renderer ia a free open source library designed to simplify programming of HTML5 pages in PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


HTML5Renderer ia a free open source library designed to simplify programming of HTML5 pages in PHP. Some of its features are:

  • Single "echo" - we can use single echo or print command to output the whole HTML5 tree.
  • Correct code automatically - HTML5Renderer builds syntactically correct code. The library renders automatically all tags and handles proper nesting. It also aligns them for easier readability.
  • No templatings - no web templating system is needed since HTML5Renderer itself generates the HTML5 code.

A good programming skill in HTML5 and PHP is required for using it, usage of an IDE (e.g NetBeans, Zend Studio) is recommended.

Licence: GNU GPL, see also README.md


The first is an inclusion command, so that index.php can recognize the library.

  require_once 'config.php';
  require_once 'lib/HTML5Renderer/tags.php';
  $html = new Html();
  //All other tags and subtags
  echo $html;//the sole 'echo' or 'print' is enough

File config.php has to contains at least lines

   * Is it for developing, setting that it shows errors of wrong attribute values
   * @var bool is developing version 
  define('H5R_DEV', true);

   * Symbol for setting a stairs (line's beginning) of generating HTML5 code for code alignment
   * "\t" or " " or "  " or  "   " or .. are advisable.
  define('H5R_STEP', "   ");

   * Setting into one line if it's 'true' -  remove step symbols from 
   * lines' beginnings and new lines, that source code looks like
   * "<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>My Homepage</title></head><body></body></html>"
  define('H5R_ONELINE', false);

Each tag-class has constructor with two parameters type, value, condition and contition type: Type has following settings

1 - <tagname />
2 - <tagname>
3 - <tagname></tagname>

Value works only if type is 2 or 3 and generates in the form


(if the value is not a tag) or



Condition is a string like "IE", "!IE", etc.

ConditionType is number (default=1):

   <![if condition]>
   <!--[if condition]>
   <!--[if condition]>-->
   <!--[if condition]><!-->

TODO: tingimuslaused


    require_once 'config.php';
    require_once 'lib/HTML5Renderer/tags.php'; // includes the PHP plugin
    $html = Tags::html(); //defines html-tag
    echo $html;


    require_once 'config.php';
    require_once 'lib/HTML5Renderer/tags.php';
    $head = Tags::head();
    $head->addTag(Tags::title(3,"My First Homepage"));
    $body = Tags::body();
    $html = Tags::html(2,$head);
    echo $html;


  <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <title>My First Homepage</title>

For the same result we can use also chains of methods:

    require_once 'config.php';
    require_once 'lib/HTML5Renderer/tags.php';
    $head = Tags::head()->addTag(Tags::title(3,"My First Homepage"));
    echo Tags::html(2,$head)->addTag(Tags::body())->setAttrXmlns('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml');


    require_once 'config.php';
    require_once 'lib/HTML5Renderer/tags.php';
    echo Tags::html(2,Tags::head()
            ->addTag(Tags::title(3,"My First Homepage")))

.. and we can add the code else, e.g to recognize browsers:

    require_once 'config.php';
    require_once 'lib/HTML5Renderer/tags.php';
    echo Tags::html(2,Tags::head()
            ->addTag(Tags::title(3,"My First Homepage"))
            ->addTag(Tags::h1(3,"My First Homepage"))
            //<!--[if IE]>..<![endif]-->
            ->addTag(Tags::h2(3,"Welcome to Internet Explorer"),"IE")
            //<!--[if !IE]>--> ... <!--<![endif]-->
            ->addTag(Tags::h2(3,"Your browser isn't Internet Explorer"),"!IE",2)

that results

  <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <title>My First Homepage</title>
        <h1>My First Homepage</h1>
        <!--[if IE]>
           <h2>Welcome to Internet Explorer</h2>
        <!--[if !IE]>-->
           <h2>Your browser isn't Internet Explorer</h2>

The next is a bigger example, showing how to make a multiplication table with the HTML5Renderer:

    require_once 'config.php';
    require_once 'lib/HTML5Renderer/tags.php';

    //<meta content="text/html" http-equiv="content-type" charset="UTF-8" />
    $head = Tags::head();
    $head->addTag(Tags::title(3,"My First Homepage"))

    $table = Tags::table();//define table
    // table to center, and border color
    $table->setAttrBorder(1);//setting a border size

    //making a row with headers
    $tr1 = Tags::tr();//defines a table row
    for($i = 0; $i <= 10; $i++) {
            ->addTag(Tags::b(3, $i==0 ? "X" : $i))//tag <b> width value
        );//cell to table row
$table->addTag($tr1);//the first row to the table

    for($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
        $td = Tags::td(2);
        $tr = Tags::tr()->addTag($td);//the first cell is a header of column
        for($j = 1; $j <= 10; $j++) {
            $tr->addTag(Tags::td(3, $i*$j)//other cells get a multiplication value
            );//cell to table row
        $table->addTag($tr);//row to table

    $body = Tags::body(2)->addTag(Tags::h1(2,"Multiplication table")//page's header
        )->addTag($table) //multiplication's table
        //setting style of body

    // the main tag html and the sole echo
    echo Tags::html(2,$head)

Result: View source in your browser

Now examples of how CSS rules work for style tag. Task: we need to generate a list of three elements which are yellow except for the red middle one. Solution:


        require "config.php";
        require "d:/Cloud/GitHub/html5renderer/tags.php";
        $li1 = Tags::li(3, "First list element")->setAttr("id", "li1");
        $li2 = Tags::li(3, "Second list element")->setAttr("class", "lmnt");
        $li3 = Tags::li(3, "Third list element")->setAttr("data-num", "3");
        // Css generation part
        $rule1 = Style::rule()->addTarget("body")
        $rule2 = $rule1->copy()->addPseudo("nth-child", 2)
            ->addDeclaration("background-color", "red");
        $rule1->addDeclaration("background-color", "yellow");
        echo Tags::html()->addTag(
                ->addTag(Tags::title(3,"My First Homepage"))

This would result in:

      <title>My First Homepage</title>
         body > ul > li {
            background-color: yellow;
         body > ul > li:nth-child(2) {
            background-color: red;
         <li id="li1">First list element</li>
         <li class="lmnt">Second list element</li>
         <li data-num="3">Third list element</li>

We can also pass tag object as target argument. If it has id attribute, it will become the only selector. Otherwise, 'tagname.class' will be extracted. So, three more ways to provide same design:


$rule1 = Style::rule()->addTarget("ul")
    ->addDescendant("li")->addDeclaration("background-color", "yellow");
$rule2 = Style::rule()->addTarget($li2)
    ->addDeclaration("background-color",  "red");


//Will work for all li's because li3 has no id nor class
$rule1 = Style::rule()->addDeclaration("background-color", "red")
$rule2 = Style::rule()->addDeclaration("background-color", "yellow")
    ->addTarget($li1)->addTarget("li")->addAttribute("data-num", 3);


$rule1 = Style::rule()->addTarget($li1)
    ->addNeighbor(".lmnt")->addDeclaration("background-color", "red");
$rule2 = Style::rule()->addTarget("ul")
    ->addDeclaration("background-color", "yellow");

Code for li's was:

<li id="li1">First list element</li>
<li class="lmnt">Second list element</li>
<li data-num="3">Third list element</li>

These would produce following css codes respectively:


ul li {
    background-color: yellow;
li.lmnt {
    background-color: red;


li {
    background-color: red;
li[data-num='3'] {
    background-color: yellow;

5.3 Is sligtly different

#li1 ~ .lmnt {
    background-color: red;
ul {
    background-color: yellow;

You may pass third 'true' argument to CssRule::addDeclaration method to automatically generate different css prefixes for declaration value:


    ->addDeclaration("background", "linear-gradient(test)", true);


* {
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(test);
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(test);
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(test);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(test);
    background: linear-gradient(test);

Files of HTML5Renderer

  |  |core ---
  |  |  |eventAndGlobalAttributes.php --- all methots for event- and global attributes
  |  |  |eventAttributes.php --- all methots for event attributes
  |  |  |globalAttributes.php --- all methots for global attributes
  |  |  |renderer.php --- this is a "engine" of the renderer
  |  |  |rendererValidators.php --- methots for checking correctness of attributes' values
  |  |tags   --- all tags have own files
  |  |  |a.php
  |  |  |abbr.php
  |  |  |wbr.php
  |  |README.txt --- this file
  |  |rendererConf.php --- configurating to showing errors and setting alignment
  |  |tags.php --- including all files in the renderer