
simple agent based simulation with text output

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm install -d
npm start

Then visit localhost:8081

Customizing content

  • To edit the actions an agent can take, edit sim/main/ACTIONS.js
  • To edit the personality quiz questions, edit sim/quiz/QUESTIONS.js
  • To edit the dialogue, edit sim/main/Dialogue/GRAMMAR.js
  • To edit the leaderboard stats, edit sim/main/RANKINGS.js

For more detail on customization, see below!

Customization guide

Adding a new action

Actions consist of:

  • a name
  • a timeout (how long the action lasts for)
  • a successor function (defines how the action affects the agent's state)
  • an emoji (to represent it in the front end)
  • associated dialogue

First open sim/main/ACTIONS.js. Let's say we want to add a dance action. We can add the following:

'dance': {
    timeout: TIME_RANGE,
    successor: function(action, state) {
        // agent is less bored after dancing
        state.boredom = Math.max(state.boredom-5*TIME_SCALE, 0);
    emoji: '💃'

In the current version, the agent state variables you can change are:

  • bac (blood alcohol level)
  • bladder
  • hunger
  • thirst
  • boredom
  • awkwardness
  • sociability

Now we just have to add some dialogue that the agent says/thinks when they're taking the action. Open sim/main/Dialogue/GRAMMAR.js.

To define the dialogue for an action, add a key to the dictionary that matches the action's name. That key should map to an array of dialogue options.

For example:

'dance': ['I want to dance!', 'Oh this is my song!']

You can also include variables that are expanded into different texts. For example, we have one called kinda-really which randomly expands into either "kinda", "really" "maybe", "just a little", and so on.

For example:

'dance': ['I #kinda-really# want to dance!', 'Oh this is my song!']

If the first option is chosen, it could end up as "I kinda want to dance!", or "I really want to dance!", and so on.

That's it!

Adding a new leaderboard stat

A leaderboard stat consists of:

  • a rank function, which defines how agents are scored from their action history (e.g. by number of drinks had). This will return a min and a max (e.g. person who drank the least and person who drank the most).
  • a desc function, which takes the results (the min and max agents) and returns a string to present the result

You can see examples in sim/main/RANKINGS.js.

For example, here's a ranking for the person who drinks the most:

  rank: h => {
    // count how many past actions were `drink_alcohol`
    return _.where(h, {name: 'drink_alcohol'}).length;

  // show the agent who drank the most
  desc: r => `${ACTIONS['drink_alcohol'].emoji} Tipsiest: ${r.max.id}`