
some things to help with html reports for work

Primary LanguageRust

Currently has two commands

  • cdiff /path/to/source-of-truth.html /path/to/version-to-update.html
    • Compares the text content of the two files and uses vimdiff to display the diff (see below for nvim config).
  • footnotes /path/to/current-version.html
    • This goes through and updates footnote reference numbering and footnote detail ordering to be consistent.
    • Lets you drop in footnotes without needing to manually update their numbers.
      • For example, if I have footnotes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and then I need to insert a new one between 2 and 3, I'd have to then update 3 to be 4, 4 to be 5, etc. This will do it for you.
    • Intended usage is from within nvim, running :%!rtool footnotes %, which passes the current file path and replaces the buffer with the command's output.

cdiff config

This requires that you configure nvim to force a line-by-line diff:

" In `init.vim` or equivalent

" Configure vimdiff
" to force line-by-line comparison,
" instead of trying to figure out
" what lines should go together.
set diffexpr=LineDiff()
function LineDiff()
   let opt = ""
   if &diffopt =~ "icase"
     let opt = opt .. "-i "
   if &diffopt =~ "iwhite"
     let opt = opt .. "-b "
   silent execute "!diff <(nl -ba " .. v:fname_in .. ") <(nl -ba " .. v:fname_new .. ") > " .. v:fname_out
set diffopt+=followwrap " Preserve line-wrapping settings when using vimdiff

Otherwise it will try to guess which lines match up, which is error-prone.