
Container with Python-based load testing tool http://locust.io


Docker container for locust load testing tool


Basic Usage

Create a locustfile.py

Start a container

# WEBUI: expose 8089 port, and enter number of vusers + hatch rate on http://localhost:8089
docker run --rm -p 8089:8089 -v $PWD:/usr/src/app frntn/locust                    -L INFO -H http://www.google.fr

# NOWEBUI: deactivate webui, and enter number of vuser + hatch rate on command line
docker run --rm              -v $PWD:/usr/src/app frntn/locust --no-web -c 1 -r 1 -L INFO -H http://www.google.fr

In fact you could just create an alias to start the container and use it as is :

alias locust='docker run --rm -p 8089:8089 -v $PWD:/usr/src/app frntn/locust'
locust -H http://example.com
locust -H http://www.google.fr --no-web -c 500 -r 15

Advanced Usage

If you want to get into the container for debugging use --entrypoint


If you start locust with -f the file location will have to be a relative path and under the current working directory.