
Startups' Project Board

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT



  • install jdk (for e2e tests)
  • clone
  • brew install node
  • npm install -g grunt-cli


  • npm start


Unit Tests

  • npm test

End 2 End Tests

(with local website running)

  • npm run protractor


Tool Dependencies

  • npm update

Angular Dependencies

  • bower update

How it works

Static Files

To store your static files (images and docs) use the static folder


To add a team member just add to the team.html file inside the team folder Use the team.json file to add/edit the team profile for the social icon please refer to https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet/ and set the social name with the name linked to the icon

    "name": "Mario Bros",
    "avatar": "static/img/Super_mario.png",
    "role": "CEO",
    "email": "mario.bros@nintendo.com",
    "social": [
        "name": "linkedin",
        "link": "https://it.linkedin.com/pub/fake-mario-bros"
        "name": "twitter",
        "link": "https://twitter.com/fake-super-luigi"
    "name": "Super Luigi",
    "avatar": "static/img/Luigi.jpg",
    "role": "CTO",
    "email": "super.luigi@nintendo.com",
    "social": [
        "name": "linkedin",
        "link": "https://it.linkedin.com/pub/fake-super-luigi"
        "name": "twitter",
        "link": "https://twitter.com/fake-super-luigi"


Store a resource by adding it to the static folder. Use the resources.json file to make a resource available on your board.

    "name": "Logo",
    "description": "Our amazing logo",
    "url": "static/img/AmazingLogo.png"
    "name": "Demo #1 Presentation",
    "description": "First Demo Presentation",
    "url": "static/img/Demo1.pdf"

In resource.html add the links to your social network profiles


Use the sprints.json file (sprint/sprints/sprint.json) to add a Sprint to your project Board

    "id": "1",
    "goal": "<Sprint Goal>",
    "estimation": "<Estimation_MD>",
    "start": "08/02/2016",
    "end": "18/02/2016",
    "demo": "18/02/2016"

Create a Sprint folder inside sprint/sprints (i.e. sprint/sprints/sprintN, where N is the sprint number) with two files:

  • sprint_N.json (where N is the sprint number)
  • stories.json

sprint_N.json This file contains the information of the sprint you've just added in the sprint.json file.

  "id": "1",
  "goal": "<Sprint Goal>",
  "estimation": "<Estimation_MD>",
  "start": "08/02/2016",
  "end": "18/02/2016",
  "demo": "18/02/2016"

stories.json This file contains all the stories you have planned to work on during the sprint

    "id": "1",
    "name": "Story name",
    "category": "Category name (DEV, BIZ DEV, TEAM...)",
    "importance": "In a range from 0 to 100",
    "estimation": "Estimation in MD",
    "demo": "What are you going to show at the demo for this story",
    "notes": "additional notes, if any",
    "links": "important links, if any",
    "assigned": "Member and MD, Member and MD"