Parallel Core Data Analytics Methods in Python/Numpy/Cupy/Mpi4Py

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Big Data Analytics Suite - Python Version

This package implements three core algorithms for big data analytics:

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • K-Means Regression (Kmeans)
  • Support Vector Machine Classifier (SVM)

Each of the algorithms is packaged as a class that accepts an N by M matrix of data points, X. N is the number of points belonging to the local MPI rank, and M is the number of features. While N can vary between MPI ranks, M must be constant.

The SVM classifier also requires an array of N labels, (for the local data points). The labels are turned into 0 or 1 using the comparison (label > 0).


Quick Start

from bdas import SVM

X, y = read_data("local_file.npy")
S = SVM(X, y)
for i in range(50):
    done = S.step(verb=True)
    print(f"Step {i} objective = {S.L}. Converged = {done}.")
    if done:

When mpi4py support is enabled, you should launch your program with mpirun python3 my_prog.py.

If you're using a supercomputer, consider installing spindle, and then use spindle mpirun python3 my_prog.py.


The present implementation of SVM uses the maximum likelihood estimation of the following observation model,

[ P(x_i | w, b, z_i) =
frac{e^{z_i(w^T x_i - b)}}{1 + e^{w^T x_i - b}}

] For simplicity, define [ s_i = frac{e^{z_i(w^T x_i - b)}}{1 + e^{w^T x_i - b}} . ]

This model provides a sigmoidal probability of assigning label $z_i$ to observation, $i$, [ P(z_i | w, b, x_i) =

frac{p_{z_i} e^{z_i(w^T x_i - b)}}{p_0 + p_1 e^{w^T x_i - b}}

] when $p_0$ and $p_1$ are the prior probabilities for assigning categories 0 or 1 without knowing $x_i$.

Note that the distance from the separating plane to point $x_i$ is $(w^T x_i - b)/|w| $. That makes $ 1/|w| $ a scale parameter, which should properly have a scale-independent (Jeffreys) prior, [ P(|w| | I) propto |w| ]

Combining the observation model with the prior, taking the logarithm, and ignoring addititive constants yields the posterior log-probability, [ L(b,w) = log |w| + z^T (X w - b) - sum_i log(1 + e^{w^T x_i - b}) ]

This function is convex, and has a unique maximizer.

The interior-point optimization makes use of the first and second derivatives of the objective, (ordering variables b, then w). [ r(b,w) = begin{bmatrix} -1^T (z-s) \ w/|w| ^2 + X^T (z-s) end{bmatrix} ] [ J(b,w) = begin{bmatrix} -mathrm{trace}(Q) & 1^T Q X \ X^T Q 1 & I/|w| ^2 - 2w w^T/|w| ^4 - X^T Q X end{bmatrix} ] defining $Q = diag(s_i(1-s_i))$.