
Let's Encrypt Drupal is a bash script which aids in the maintenance of Let's Encrypt certificates on Acquia servers. It can be used to generate and renew certificates, making it possible to easily use Let's Encrypt on Drupal hosting.

Primary LanguageShell

Let's Encrypt Drupal

Wrapper script for https://github.com/dehydrated-io/dehydrated opinionated towards running in Drupal hosting environments and reporting to Slack. Slack is optional. Let's Encrypt challenge is published trough Drupal using Drush. There is no need to alter webserver settings or upload files.

What it does

  • Installation (TL;DR version)
    • Add configuration to your project.
    • git clone this repository to your server
    • Add cron task.
  • Every time script gets executed (ideally once a week) it will
    • Self update check.
    • Check if dehydrated-io/dehydrated is available or download it, if needed.
    • [If] There is no certificate generated by this script yet.
      • Generate a key pair.
      • Register you with Let's Encrypt.
      • Generate new certificate for you.
    • [If] There already is certificate generated by this script.
      • It will check the validity of the certificate.
      • [If] The certificate is valid and not near the expiration date.
        • Post to Slack that everything is all right.
      • [If] The certificate is about to expire.
        • Renew the certificate.
        • Post to Slack that everything is all right.
    • (Altering the list of domains in project repository results in generating new certificate.)
    • Upload new certificate to Acquia.
    • Activate the certificate.
    • Post the results to Slack


  • Environment where you can run bash script and setup cron.
  • Read access to project root. (accessing config files)
  • Permissions to run Drush commands with Drush alias against the site which is accessible via domains listed in domains_site.env.txt from internet.
  • git must available.
  • https://www.drupal.org/project/letsencrypt_challenge on target site.


These steps are for prod environment of PROJECT on Acquia Cloud. Can be easily adapted to other hosting environments.

  • ssh PROJECT.prod@srv-XXXX.devcloud.hosting.acquia.com
    • (You can get the address on "Servers" tab in Acquia UI)
    • cd ~
    • git clone https://github.com/froboy/letsencrypt_drupal.git
  • In your local project root
    • Add letsencrypt_drupal configuration.
      • git clone https://github.com/froboy/letsencrypt_drupal.git tmp_lea # Temporarily get the repository to get example configuration files.
      • cp -r tmp_lea/example_project_config/* . # Copy the configuration.
      • rm -rf tmp_lea/
      • Edit letsencrypt_drupal/dehydrated/config.sh
      • Edit letsencrypt_drupal/domains_site.env.txt
        • Rename it based on site alias you are going to be using. site should be replaced with the Acquia alias of the site, which can be found in the Acquia UI as the prefix to the "Git URL", like mysite@svn-1234.devcloud.hosting.acquia.com:mysite.git
        • For multiple environments create multiple copies of this file.
        • One line, space separated list of domains.
        • First domain will be set as Common name
        • Others are set as SANs
      • Edit letsencrypt_drupal/config_site.env.sh
        • Slack is optional. If you don't want to use it, just set $SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL to empty string.
        • Get your webhook url here: https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook/
        • Set the webhook url and target channel variables.
        • Certificate deployment is optional.
          • Fallback is just posting instructions in Slack/Log file.
          • Set the $CERT_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT_UUID (Environment uuid needs to be aligned with the env of the file name.)
      • Multiple environments mean multiple config files. For example test and prod:
        • config_site.test.sh
        • config_site.prod.sh
        • domains_site.test.txt
        • domains_site.prod.txt
      • secrets.settings.php
        • Should not be committed in project repository.
        • Should be placed on Acquia server here: /mnt/files/PROJECT.prod/secrets.settings.php
      • commit these files to the repo, like so:
        - ...
        - docroot
        - ...
        - letsencrypt_drupal
          - dehydrated
            - config.sh
          - config_mysite.prod.sh
          - domains_mysite.prod.txt
    • Add https://www.drupal.org/project/letsencrypt_challenge module.
      • composer require drupal/letsencrypt_challenge
      • Until the linked issues are closed, add these patches in composer.json:
      "drupal/letsencrypt_challenge": {
        "https://dgo.re/3236779 Challenge string should be textarea": "https://git.drupalcode.org/project/letsencrypt_challenge/-/merge_requests/1.diff",
        "https://dgo.re/2976683 Allow multiple challenges": "https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2021-09-22/letsencrypt_challenge-allow_multiple_challenges-2976683-11.patch"
      • enable the module and follow your standard config management processes to ensure it's enabled on production.
    • Commit and deploy to production.
  • In the Acquia UI add the Scheduled task
    • Running the task often is not a problem.
    • Ideal is once a week, ideally on Monday morning (be sure to convert your actual morning time to UTC).
      • Nobody wants to fix certificates on Friday evening :)
      • You should have 60 days of time (with default settings) even if something fails or new manual certificate upload is needed.
    • New job:
      • Job name: LE renew cert (just a default, feel free change it)
      • Command: /home/PROJECT/letsencrypt_drupal/letsencrypt_drupal.sh PROJECT prod &>> /var/log/sites/${AH_SITE_NAME}/logs/$(hostname -s)/letsencrypt_drupal.log
      • Command frequency 0 7 * * 1 ( https://crontab.guru/#0_7_*_*_1 )
    • It's good idea to run the command on Acquia manually first time to check if all is OK.
  • First script run will post results/instructions to Slack.